My Grandmother's Trick To Relieve Her Hot Flashes.

Do you have hot flashes?

All women know this phenomenon one day.

It's a completely natural symptom, but so painful!

But how do you relieve hot flashes?

Fortunately, they can also be alleviated with natural solutions. My grandmother had a foolproof thing about hot flashes.

She used it for years, proof of effectiveness for me.

Granny's trick to fighting puffs is to drink lemon balm. Look :

lemon balm: a grandmother's remedy against hot flashes and soothes hot flashes

How to do

1. Put 1 teaspoon of lemon balm in a cup of hot water.

2. Let the lemon balm infuse for 1 to 3 minutes.

3. Filter the decoction.

4. Drink this infusion.


And there you have it, you've relieved your hot flashes :-)

You can drink 3 cups a day of this grandma's hot flash remedy.

The secret is that lemon balm has natural virtues that regulate hormonal upheavals.

And, by hormonal upheavals, we must understand, among other things, "hot flashes". This is a real grandmother's remedy for menopause!

Now you know how to calm hot flashes naturally.

You can find lemon balm in organic stores or here on the Internet.

Note that lemon balm is also soothing. If you want to know more about this plant and others, read this article on anti-stress plants.

Your turn...

Do you have any other tips for soothing hot flashes? We can discuss it together in the comments.

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