6 Grandma's Recipes Against Moths That Really Work.

Have you discovered holes in your clothes?

It is surely that there are moths in the area!

Moths tend to nibble on textile fibers such as wool in sweaters.

And since you can't see them, it's often difficult to act on time.

No need to buy chemical insecticides against moths!

natural anti moth recipes lavender lemongrass laurel cedar

The trick is to use smells that moths hate.

Here are 6 grandma's recipes to get rid of moths at home easily. Look :

1. Cedar wood

cedar wood in natural anti-moth plate

Cedar wood has an odor that is moth-tolerant. They will not come and settle in your home.

Cedar wood is sold in the form of balls to hang in closets or small cubes to place in piles of laundry.

The great thing is that the smell of cedar wood lasts for several years, so it's a very economical method.

2. Cloves

natural anti moth clove

Another natural tip: cloves. Store them in closets, between piles of clothes and even in the pockets of jackets.

3. Laurel

laurel anti moth natural

Dry bay leaves repel moths. Arrange them in closets and between folded clothes. Check out the trick here.

4. Lemongrass

lemongrass moth repellent natural

Place dry lemongrass stems in the cupboards. You can also put 2 drops of lemongrass essential oil on a porous pebble to place near clothing.

5. Santoline

natural anti moth santoline

Santolina is a small yellow Mediterranean shrub from the cypress family. It is cultivated for its aromatic foliage ... which moths hate. Put some dried branches in your cupboards to keep moths away.

6. Lavender

Lavender moth sachets

Put the lavender in small fabric bags that you will have in your cupboards or storage covers.

If you are not a handyman, take a mismatched sock that will do just fine.

You can also make a bouquet of lavender. To do this, tie lavender stems with a small string. Then, hang the bouquet in your cupboards with the string.

All varieties of lavender work for this trick: true lavender, spike lavender, and even lavandin.

Know that the bouquets must be changed once a month. You can also put a drop of the corresponding essential oil to revive the smell.

Additional advice

- if the moth invasion is really too strong, there are traps based on glue and pheromones. The males stick to it and can no longer reproduce.

- if you are afraid that the smell of laurel will permeate your clothes, you can replace the leaves with pieces of Aleppo soap made from bay laurel oil.

- moths hate light and fresh air. Remember to ventilate your closets regularly, unfold and shake your clothes.

Your turn...

Have you tried one of these grandma's moth recipes? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

My Very Effective Natural Anti-moth.

2 Natural and Powerful Anti-Moths To Get Rid Of It.

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