10 Simple And Effective Tips To Get Rid Of Skunks.

A skunk, (not to be confused with the polecat!), That's pretty cute ...

... except when it causes damage in the garden and around the house!

At that moment, all we want is to know how to get rid of it quickly.

Not to mention that their smell is really pestilential!

Fortunately, there are simple tips to keep skunks away from your home.

We have selected the most effective tips to help you hunt them quickly. Look :

tips to scare away skunks

1. Use human hair

Have you noticed that a skunk has settled in a hole, under the shed, behind a pile of wood? So here's the perfect trick to dislodge it. Just put some human hair in its hiding place. You can collect them on a brush or a comb for example. It is an excellent natural repellant. The skunk will move quickly!

2. Don't leave garbage lying around

It sometimes happens that you leave a garbage bag in front of the door or on the terrace, while you take it down to the dumpster. This is a bad idea because it is the best way to attract skunks or greedy raccoons. It is best to put your garbage in a well-sealed trash so as not to attract it. You only need to install a device to block the cover or simply put a heavy object (such as a stone) on the cover.

3. Use an ultrasonic repellent

As with hunting moles, you can install an ultrasonic device like this to scare them away. The advantage of this small investment is that you will be hunting not only skunks but also cats, stray dogs, raccoons ...

4. Spray their hiding place with water

If the skunks have taken up residence on your property, you can try spraying their hiding place with a stream of water. That should be enough to get them out and scare them. Be careful not to end up soaked!

5. Use chicken wire

If your land is not too large or you just want to protect part of it (your vegetable garden for example), you can install chicken wire. You can put it under your shed as well. It's really cheap and skunks won't be able to get past it. If you know where the skunk's hiding place is, block its access with this fence. When she sees that she can no longer return, she will go and relocate elsewhere.

6. Use moth balls

You certainly know the mothballs? Did you know that it is also a good skunk repellant? The results are sometimes mixed but it is well worth a try. Remember to renew them after a downpour because wet, they are less effective.

7. Clean up your garden

When you have a garden with fruit trees, there are always fruits that fall to the ground because of the wind or because they are too ripe. For skunks and other rodents, it represents a real feast! To prevent them from coming in, you should regularly pick up fallen fruits, nuts and other seeds. If there is no food around, it is less likely that skunks will come and settle there.

8. Remove the piles of leaves

It's a bit the same principle with the leaves. When they fall, you pick them up to make a pile. But this is not enough. Because this pile of leaves is full of little insects that skunks love to eat. Another great opportunity for skunks to walk through your garden. Suddenly, it is preferable to empty these sheets at the recycling center.

9. Use a motion detector

Skunks, like all rodents, are inconspicuous. They prefer the dark. A motion sensor light is really effective in deterring them from coming to your house.

10. Use an automatic sprinkler

If you have automatic watering, run it at night. You will kill many birds with one stone. First you water your lawn. Then you save water since it won't evaporate. Finally, skunks won't like this nighttime shower. They will come to realize that they are not welcome.

How do you get rid of the smell of skunks?

natural recipe to remove the smell of skunks on a dog or cat

Did your pet have the bad idea of ​​passing a skunk? The skunk may then have sprayed him with a foul-smelling liquid to defend himself.

To rid your dog or cat of this stench, there is a miracle recipe. Just mix 1 liter of hydrogen peroxide (3% hydrogen peroxide), 60 g of baking soda and 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of liquid dish soap.

Wash your doggie or kitty with this anti-skunk odor shampoo and rinse thoroughly with water.

Your turn...

Have you tried these tips to scare away skunks? Tell us in the comments if it's effective. We can't wait to hear from you!

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