Here's How To Clean Your Whole Home In 7 Easy Steps.

A few years ago, I found out that I didn't really clean house effectively.

I was in a hotel room when the maid arrived.

She vaporized the same cleanser on literally all the surfaces of the room ...

After she left! And just when I thought she forgot to finish the housework, she came back.

In less than 2 minutes, she wiped all surfaces with a fine, dry cloth… The entire room was sparkling clean!

Here's How To Clean Your Whole Home In 7 Easy Steps.

Use one product to clean all surfaces? Here's a great tip that saves a lot of time ... Never I never thought about it!

Cleaning professionals know plenty of tips for cleaning faster and more efficiently.

That's why we asked them to tell us their secrets to cleaning your house more efficiently.

Here is the method that will forever change the way you clean your home. Look :

Here is the best way to clean your home

What's the BEST way to clean your home? Follow these easy steps.

The biggest mistake people make is clean their house room by room. This is called "zonal cleaning".

The problem is, this method is way too slow!

"It's simple: either you spend 4 hours cleaning your kitchen only, or you clean all the house from top to bottom in 4 hours, "explains Nicole Romero, owner of a home cleaning agency in Cannes.

"Most people waste a tremendous amount of time because they focus too long on one area of ​​the house.

"For example, they will concentrate fully on cleaning the kitchen countertops. But they will clean it. such although after that they don't have time to clean the top of the stove ... let alone other rooms in the house.

"In fact, wiping down surfaces and then moving on is a faster and much more efficient method."

It is precisely to avoid this waste of time that cleaning professionals use another method.

The pro's method is "spot cleaning", which consists of cleaning your house task by task.

So when you start a task, for example dusting, you need to dust the whole house before moving on to the next task!

"You're going to be doing a bit more walking around your house, so it's also an opportunity to do a bit more sport," adds Reynald Pelletier, owner of a home cleaning business in Brussels.

"I find this method much faster. And because the body is always on the move, the mind is also less likely to be bored."

By following these 7 steps, your entire home will be sparkling clean!

And don't worry, it goes very quickly: 4 hours for beginners.

And once you hit the pro level, you can clean up all the house from top to bottom in just 2h30. Look :

How to clean the whole house in 7 steps?

To clean your home more effectively, you need to have a plan of attack.

Here it is : Always clean from top to bottom, and left to right.

"I always start by cleaning the upstairs bathroom," says Nicole Romero. "Because it's a good place to put my cleaning gear and supplies."

For each task, always start cleaning from the highest point of each room.

For example, if you're cleaning up dust, start at the top of the shelves. Then continue moving from the left side to the right side of the room.

By following this plan of attack, no area of ​​the house is overlooked or forgotten.

Most importantly, it's much faster. Because like that, the dirt and dust will fall naturally on the lower surfaces, which you will clean afterwards.

Step 1: make the dust

To clean the house more effectively, start by dusting your whole house.

Dust every room in your home, including:

- the top of all furniture,

- the underside of all shelves

- staircase handrails,

- frames, TV screens and also trinkets and other decorative items.

"If possible, I try to do the dust using a dry cloth, because I find removing dust with a damp cloth more difficult," explains Nicole Romero.

To remove fingerprints, use a microfiber cloth dampened with lukewarm water.

Pro tip:don’t forget to dust off the tops of the cabinets. "People often forget to take a look at the top of furniture, and that's where dust collects and falls on lower surfaces," says Nicole Romero.

To discover : 8 Effective Tips To Permanently Eliminate Dust.

Stage 2: change the sheets and make the bed

Then change the sheets on your beds and make your bed

Change the sheets on your bed and, if so, on other beds in your house.

Walk around the house and clean the cushions and upholstery.

Use a suitable brush like this or the brush nozzle on your vacuum cleaner to vacuum all the fabric surfaces of your furniture.

To discover : How to Clean a Bagless Vacuum in 8 Super Easy Steps.

Stage 3: clean windows and mirrors

Step 3 clean windows and mirrors

Wipe down all the windows and mirrors in your home.

Pro tip: to clean your windows without leaving a trace, use 2 microfiber cloths - a damp cloth to clean and a dry cloth to dry.

To discover : The No-Streak Home Glass Cleaner.

Stage 4: clean all surfaces

Step 4 clean all surfaces

Wipe down all surfaces and countertops in your home, using a natural disinfectant like this one.

Pro tip: Remember to clean any areas you often touch with your hands, such as doorknobs, light switches, TV remotes and phones.

“Often, it's the places that people always forget to clean that really contain germs,” explains Reynald Pelletier.

To discover : 40 Things You ALWAYS forget to clean at home.

Stage 5: clean the kitchen and bathroom

Step 5 clean the kitchen and bathroom

Walk around the bathroom and spray your cleaning product on the tub, sink and toilet.

Then take a spin again to scrub and clean.

For the kitchen, use this trick to clean the inside of the microwave in 3 minutes flat.

Then take a look at the doors of kitchen furniture and appliances.

Here is the recipe for the magic spray to clean the kitchen and the bathroom effectively.

To discover : How to EASILY Clean Grease Stains from Kitchen Furniture.

Stage 6: clean the floors

When to clean floors? Here's how to clean your home more effectively in 7 super-easy steps.

First, sweep bathrooms, kitchens, and any floors that need cleaning.

After, mop (and if necessary, the scrub brush).

Pro tip: "To clean the bathroom floors, I get on all fours and use a microfiber cloth and cleaning product," says Nicole Romero.

"That way, I'm 100% sure that every nook and cranny is perfectly clean and disinfected, even the area behind the toilet."

To discover : How to Clean Any Type of Floor Like a PRO.

Stage 7: vacuum

Step 7 vacuum

"I start at the top of the house first, where I vacuum the bedrooms.

Afterwards, I go down the stairs, inhaling them. And I end with a final blow of the vacuum cleaner in the living room before leaving the house, "explains Nicole.

Pro tip: no need to vacuum every millimeter of the floors in your home. The main thing is to do it quickly and well. If you missed a spot in the house, you can still vacuum it up the following week.

To discover : Finally a Tip For Vacuuming In Every Corner.

Your turn…

Have you tried these 7 easy steps to clean your home more effectively? Tell us in the comments if it was effective. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

How to Clean Your Whole House in 1 Hour Chrono.

16 Tips That Will Change The Way You Clean Your Home Forever.

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