The "Push-ups": a Complete Exercise to Practice Absolutely.

Do you want to build your arms, buttocks and have concrete abs?

No need to go to an overpriced gym to lift weights!

The best technique to build your entire upper body is to do push-ups.

Rediscover and learn to love this essential exercise.

It is extremely effective for working your arms, torso, abs, and posture. Look :

how to do perfect push-ups

Starting position

On the ground, on all fours. Look down and hold a slight bend at the elbows.

Lift your knees off the ground and then step back until your legs are straight. The body must be perfectly straight : head, shoulders, back, buttocks, knees and ankles form an "i".

Performing the exercise

1. As you breathe in, flex your arms while keeping your body straight.

If you can, go down until your chin touches the ground. Otherwise, stop before, even if you are only going down a few inches.

2. Push on your arms while blowing in order to find the starting position.


The most important thing in this exercise is to never arch. For this, the abdominals must be in constant tension.

If you cannot avoid the arch, bring your feet slightly closer to your hands so that your buttocks are raised.

If you cannot flex your arms without collapsing to the floor, decrease the flex.

You can also practice simply staying in a stomach plank position, or holding still with your arms barely bent.

Rhythm and repetitions

If the exercise is difficult for you, do it quickly so as not to tire your muscle on too slow repetitions.

With training, prefer a rhythm slower to better solicit your muscles (by holding a break in a low position for more sensations), or faster to work more in endurance.

Perform between 3 and 7 sets of at least 3 repetitions. If you have energy left, don't limit yourself!


In addition to strengthening the pectorals, triceps (back of the arms) and shoulders, the push-ups allow a good workout of the abdominal belt, in particular the rectus abdominis.


For a better solicitation ofoutside of the pecs and shoulders, spread your hands further on the ground.

By bringing them closer together, you will use more triceps, the middle of the pecs and theinner shoulders.

Your turn...

Due to their efficiency, pumps are a central pillar of the psynetic method. If you managed to get started, then leave a comment! We can't wait to hear from you.

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Also to discover:

Plank Exercise: The 7 Incredible Benefits For Your Body.

A flat stomach and muscular abs in ONLY 6 MINS (without equipment).

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