The Easy Way To Remove Paint From Hands.

Do you have paint stains on your hands?

Here is a simple trick to remove them.

No need for harsh chemicals that can damage your skin.

The natural trick is to use baby oil to wash off the paint. Look :

Use baby oil to remove paint from hands easily

How to do

1. Wash your hands with soap and water.

2. Soak a cotton ball in baby oil.

3. Dab the cotton on the skin and rub on the paint stains.

4. Repeat if necessary.


And there you have it, plus a trace of paint: the paint is completely gone :-)

Note that this trick works for water-based paint (or latex paint) but does not work for oil (or alkyd) paint.

Your turn...

Did you try that grandma's trick for removing paint from hands? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

Finally a Pro Tip To NEVER Make Paint Stains Again.

3 Essential Tips For Painting Without Spotting.

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