6 Tips to Make Squeezing Your Lemons Easier and Getting More Juice.

Need lemon juice? See how to squeeze your lemons thoroughly so you don't lose a single drop.

Whether you have strength in your hands or not, there are a few things you should know that will allow you to really harvest more juice.

Yellow lemons or limes, here are the 6 most effective tips for squeezing your lemons thoroughly.

1. By rolling it under the palm of your hand before cutting it.

Rolling the lemon under the palm of your hand makes it easier to squeeze it and get more juice out of it

Roll the lemon without pressing too much so as not to crush it. The goal is to soften it so that the juice is more easily released from the pulp of your lemon. Click here to see the tip.

2. By passing it for 20 seconds in the microwave

squeeze out more juice from a squeezed lemon

This trick will get you about a third more juice. The heat will soften the pulp which will squeeze more easily.

3. Or by passing it through hot water

 immerse a lemon in hot water to soften it and squeeze it more easily

The water should be hot enough in the pot to heat the lemon thoroughly. Let it soak for 30 seconds.

Do not put it in boiling water, it will damage it too much to squeeze it properly afterwards.

4. By cutting it lengthwise

cut your lemon lengthwise to get more juice out

We tend to cut our lemons crosswise, out of habit.

Did you know that cutting them lengthwise allows you to get out between 2 to 3 times more juice? See the explanation here.

5. Pricking it with a fork

Prick the lemon with a fork to pierce the pulp and extract more juice.

This trick makes it easier to squeeze your lemon. Once pricked with your fork, you will no longer need to squeeze with all your strength to get the juice out.

The other advantage is that the lemon juice will not squirt into your neighbor's eye because the pulp will not burst since it will already be pierced. See the tip here.

6. By pressing harder

Use tongs to squeeze the juice from the lemon

By using salad tongs or DIY tongs, you will be able to squeeze your lemon much harder.

A good way to get all the juice out of your lemon. Click here to see the tip.

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