How to Descale And Clean a Humidifier Using White Vinegar.

Air humidifiers are very useful when the air is too dry in the house.

Indeed, as soon as the humidity level drops below 45%, you feel it on your health.

And this is true as well in winter as in summer in strong heat ...

Be aware that an air that is too dry at home increases the risk of catching a cold, of having a stuffy nose or itchy red eyes, and of being tired more quickly.

The problem with air humidifiers is that they quickly clog and scale with lime scale in the water.

Fortunately, here is the quick and easy way to clean and descale your humidifier. Look :

How to clean an air humidifier with white vinegar

What you need

- humidifier

- White vinegar

- tap water

- small brush

- tea tree essential oil

How to do

1. Disassemble the device

how to disassemble the air humidifier

First empty all the water in the tank, then dismantle your humidifier.

Most devices have a safety device to remove the part above the heating element.

Do not hesitate to remove it with care. So you will see all the areas that need to be cleaned.

You can also use the user manual to see how the device is easily disassembled.

completely disassemble the humidifier

2. Pour white vinegar into it

pour white vinegar to disinfect air humidifier device

White vinegar is a powerful and natural disinfectant so you don't need to use bleach to clean your humidifier.

You can also put a few drops of tea tree essential oil for deep disinfection.

For this to be effective, pour white vinegar directly into the water tank.

You can also soak the removable pieces full of limestone for a few minutes in a basin filled with white vinegar.

This will eliminate all the deposits that are encrusted on it.

3. Remove dirt with a brush

scrub the household appliance with a small brush

Some humidifiers, like this one, come with their own cleaning brush.

If yours doesn't or you lost it, just use an old toothbrush to loosen the deposits.

After the white vinegar has done its job, you don't even have to scrub, just run the brush to remove the deposits.

4. Rinse with clean water

remove all traces of dirt in the humidifier

Once everything is clean, rinse the appliance and the tank with tap water to remove any remaining white vinegar.

Shake a little to dislodge the last deposits. Do not hesitate to do several rinses if necessary.

Dry each part properly with a dry cloth and reassemble the device. Don't worry, the smell of white vinegar will wear off quickly.

If there is any grime left before rinsing, feel free to take an additional white vinegar bath.

If you see that it "sparkles", the vinegar is doing its job.

If not, remove the white vinegar and put in a fresh swig, then use a sharper utensil to loosen the grime.


White vinegar for cleaning and descaling an air humidifier

And there you have it, thanks to the white vinegar, you have descaled and thoroughly cleaned your air humidifier :-)

No more limestone that clogs the holes and leaves white marks inside! It is a quick and easy descaling to do. And no need for any product to clean your humidifier! Just white vinegar!

You can do this deep cleaning at least once a month.

Obviously, this cleaning works for all air humidifiers including: Honeywell, Babymoov, Sunbeam, Dyson, Bionaire, Beaba, Badabulle and VicTsing.

To find out, if you need a humidifier at home, you can get an indoor hygrometer like this.

If you are looking for a good quality humidifier that is not too expensive, I recommend the one I have at home.

Your turn...

Have you tried this trick for cleaning your humidifier from top to bottom? Tell us in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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