My Homemade Recipe For Making A Gentle and Natural Shampoo.

Are you looking for a mild and natural shampoo for your hair?

In the supermarket, you detail several shampoo departments that promise you a lot of miraculous effects for your hair.

But how to navigate without paying a fortune?

Fortunately, there is a simple homemade recipe to make shampooing gentle on your hair easy.

The 2 main ingredients in my shampoo are nettle, an unparalleled natural and medicinal plant, easy to find, and peppermint which fights fatigue and gives radiance.

Discover now my homemade gentle and natural shampoo recipe.

You will know what is in your shampoo and above all ... what is not!

gentle and natural shampoo recipe made with nettles and mint leaves


- 10 g of dried nettle leaves

- 10 g of dried peppermint leaves

- an organic washing base

- 10 g of dried rosemary and 1 clove for the Brown hair


- 10 g of chamomile and a few drops of lemongrass essential oil for Blond hair

- a few drops of peppermint essential oil

How to do

1. Put your nettle leaves, mint, then your rosemary or chamomile in a container.

2. Pour over 60 cl of boiling water

3. Add either the cloves or lemongrass.

4. Leave to infuse for 2 hours.

5. Pass the mixture through a colander, squeezing the plants well.

6. Measure as much of the washing base as you have liquid.

7. Add it to the herbal infusion.

8. Mix for a long time.

9. Add a few drops of peppermint essential oil.

10. Shake strongly again.


And now, it's ready ! You made your mild and natural shampoo :-)

You can now pour your preparation into a shampoo bottle that you have kept and washed.

You can keep it as long as a store-bought shampoo.

I don't know if you're like me, but I believe a shampoo should wash hair gently, fortify it by boosting its keratin, enhance its shine and prevent dandruff.

If in addition it smells good, then it's perfect.

But for all this, in the supermarket you have to go for products that are worth at least € 5 per bottle.

Nature offers us enough to make it without breaking the bank.

The "little extra" that I like is that the impact on the environment will be really reduced. Why ?

Because this shampoo does not contain no chemicals like phosphate which is present in many industrial shampoos.

I have already adopted it!

Your turn...

Have you tried this gentle, natural shampoo recipe? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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