70 Surprising Uses of Table Salt.

Salt is an essential condiment for successful little dishes.

It emphasizes meat, brings out the taste of vegetables, raises starches and even emphasizes the flavor of desserts.

No other seasoning has yet been found to replace salt.

But besides making food delicious, there are plenty of other amazing uses for salt.

Most of these uses were already known to our grandmothers.

here is 70 tricks with salt that have stood the test of time. Look :

70 uses and tips with table salt

To cook

1.To boil the water: the salt added to the water boils the water to a higher temperature, thus reducing the cooking time. Be careful, it does not boil the water faster. The salt added to the water boils the water at a higher temperature, which allows food to cook more quickly.

2. To remove the shell from eggs easily: eggs boiled in salted water flake more easily.

3.To make eggspoached: poaching eggs in salted water helps contain the egg whites.

4. Fortest the freshness of eggs: place the egg in a cup of water in which you have added two teaspoons of salt. A fresh egg will sink. A rotten egg will float. Check out the trick here.

5.Prevents browning of cut fruit: after peeling them, immerse the apples, pears and potatoes in cold, lightly salted water so that they retain their beautiful color and do not brown.

6. To shell the pecans: soaking the pecans in salted water for several hours before peeling them will help you remove the husks that are easier to remove.

7. To wash the spinach well: if the spinach is washed in salt water, a single wash will be sufficient.

8. To add less sugar: a little salt added to the frostings of a cake helps prevent them from being too sweet.

9. To have crunchy salads: salt the salads just before serving them, and they will stay crisp.

To discover : Salt WITHOUT Moisture: THE Simple Cooking Tip to Know.

10. To make better coffee: a pinch of salt in the coffee will enhance the flavor and remove the bitterness from overcooked coffee.

11. To cook tasty poultry: to improve the flavor of a poultry, rub the poultry inside and out with salt before roasting.

12. To make boiled potatoes better: boiled potatoes will have a finer, flourier texture if you sprinkle them with salt after draining them. Then, sauté them in the pan and stir them quickly to get rid of the excess moisture.

13. To make the whipped cream and whip the egg whites: by adding a pinch of salt, it will be easier to whip up whipped cream or snow whites. Check out the trick here.

14. To keep milk fresh longer: adding a pinch of salt to the milk will keep it fresh longer.

To clean the kitchen

salt helps clean a lot of things in the kitchen

15. To clean a greasy pan: it is much easier to clean a greasy pan by sprinkling it with a little salt first.

16. To clean stained cups: rubbing the cups with salt removes stubborn tea or coffee stains.

17.To remove bad odors from the oven: salt and cinnamon absorb burnt odors very well. To do this, sprinkle the burnt foods in the oven with salt and cinnamon while the oven is still hot. Once dry, remove the salt with a brush or cloth.

18. To clean the refrigerator: use salt and sparkling water to clean and sanitize the inside of your refrigerator. The advantage is that the enamel will not be damaged.

19. To extinguish a grease fire: salt thrown on a grease fire which has set in a pan or in an oven suffocates the flames. But never use water: it will only splash the burning fat. Keep a box of salt handy near your stove and oven.

20. To pluck a poultry: To easily remove small feathers from a chicken, first rub the chicken skin with salt.

21. To clean tarnished silverware: rub tarnished silverware with salt and then wash it off with water.

22. To clean copper pans: remove stains from copper pans by putting salt on them. Then rub them with a cloth soaked in vinegar.

salt to clean copper pans

23. To clean a coffee maker: To remove bitterness from and to clean percolators or coffee makers, fill them with water. Then add 4 tablespoons of salt and boil as usual.

24. To eliminate the smell of onions on the hands: rub your fingers with salt soaked in white vinegar.

25. To purify the gourds: salt can also disinfect and deodorize thermos bottles, jugs, carafes, gourds and all other closed containers.

26. To clean the sink drain: Pour a concentrated mixture of water and salt into the kitchen sink regularly to eliminate odors and prevent grease from building up.

27. To clean a wooden cutting board: After washing it with soap and water, scrub the cutting board with a damp cloth soaked in salt. The wood of the board will be lighter and cleaner. Check out the trick here.

to clean a cutting board, use salt

28. To clean traces of cooked eggs easily: salt not only makes the eggs taste better, but it also makes it easier to clean the dishes in which the eggs have been cooked. This allows you to waste less time washing them. To do this, sprinkle the salt directly on the dishes after your breakfast. This will make it much easier to clean them afterwards.

29. To prevent food from sticking: rub a pancake pan with salt to prevent it from sticking and smoking during cooking. You can also sprinkle a little salt in the pan before frying the fish to prevent it from sticking. Do not hesitate to sprinkle salt on the pans, the waffle plates or the drip pans. Heat them in a hot oven then dust off the salt. You will see, the next time you use them, the food will not stick.

Put salt in the pan to prevent the food from sticking

30. To prevent mold from forming: To prevent mold from forming on the cheese, wrap it in a clean tea towel soaked in salt water before placing it in the refrigerator.

To maintain the house

the uses of salt to clean the house

31. To clean brass: mix equal parts salt, flour and white vinegar to make a paste. Rub the paste on your brass object. Leave on for 1 hour, then clean with a soft cloth or brush and polish with a dry cloth.

32. To clean wicker: to prevent yellowing of wicker, scrub wicker furniture with a stiff brush dipped in hot salt water and let dry in the sun.

33. To clean grease stains from carpets: some grease stains can be removed with a solution of one part salt and four parts alcohol. Rub carefully to avoid damaging the fabric.

34. Increases the life of the brushes: new brushes will wear less quickly if soaked in hot salt water before first use.

35. Removes wine stains: if wine is spilled on a tablecloth or rug, blot as much as possible and immediately cover the stain with salt. It will absorb the remaining excess wine. Then rinse the tablecloth with cold water or scrape the salt off the carpet and vacuum.

36. To make the traces on the tables disappear: white marks left on tables from hot or humid dishes or glasses can be removed with salt. Just make a paste with olive oil and salt. Apply a thin layer to the marks with your fingers. Rub it in a bit and then leave it on for an hour or two before wiping off.

salt to remove the white stains on the wood

37. Extends the life of sponges: Give sponges new life by soaking them in cold salt water after washing them.

38. To eliminate the excess foam in the washing machine: If a washing machine makes too much suds, sprinkle salt on the suds to make it disappear.

39. Revives fabric colors: wash colored curtains or washable rugs in a salt water solution to brighten their colors. Briskly scrub the washable rugs with a cloth that you have soaked in a solution of strongly salted water. Tarnished colors will be revived!

40. Removes sweat stains: add 4 tablespoons of salt to a quart of hot water and dab the stained fabric with this solution until the stains disappear.

41. To lighten cotton fabrics or yellowed sheets: boil the yellowed fabrics for an hour in a solution of salt and baking soda.

42. Removes blood stains: soak stained clothes or other fabric backing in cold salt water, then wash them in hot soapy water and boil after washing. Use this technique only on cotton, linen, or other natural fibers that can withstand high temperature.

43. Removes rust and mold stains: Wet the stains with a mixture of lemon juice and salt, then spread the item in the sun to whiten. Finally, rinse and pat dry. Check out the trick here.

44. For nylon stockings: are your nylon stockings mismatched? And their color differs slightly? Boil them in a saucepan of lightly salted water so that they find the same color.

45. To clean the soleplate of the iron: sprinkle a little salt on a sheet of paper and run the iron over it to remove rough, sticky stains on the sole. Check out the trick here.

salt to clean the soleplate of the iron

46. ​​To clean the aquarium: scrub the inside of your aquarium with salt to remove hard water deposits, then rinse well before returning the fish to the aquarium. Use only regular, non-iodized salt. Check out the trick here.

As natural remedies

salt is used for beauty treatments

47. Against sore throats: mix 1/2 teaspoon of salt in a 25cl glass of hot water to use as a gargle against sore throats.

48. To whiten teeth: mix one part salt with two parts baking soda in a glass. Mix well. This mixture whitens teeth, helps remove plaque, and is healthy for the gums. Check out the trick here.

49. To keep breath fresh: mix equal parts salt and baking soda then use it as a mouthwash to get good breath and maintain good oral hygiene.

To discover : Oral canker sore? Salt Treatment: An Effective Remedy.

50. Soothes tired eyes: mix 1/2 teaspoon of salt in 50 cl of water. And use the solution to invigorate your tired eyes.

51. Deflates dark circles: put a teaspoon of salt in 50 cl of hot water. Mix. Soak a cotton ball in this solution and dab on the swollen areas.

52. Relieves tired feet: soak your sore, tired feet in hot water to which you have added a good handful of salt. Rinse it off with cold water. Check out the trick here.

foot bath with salts to relieve tension

53. Relieves bee stings: If you have been bitten, immediately wet the bite and put salt on it to relieve the pain.

54. To treat mosquito and chickweed bites: soak the stung area in salt water, then apply a mixture of lard and salt to it. Check out the trick here.

55. Soothes stings of stinging plants : soak the exposed part in hot salt water. This calms the irritation more quickly.

56. Relieves fatigue: run a bath in which you put a few handfuls of salt. Take advantage of your bath to relax for at least a good 10 minutes. You will come out energized!

a bath and salts to relax

57. To remove dead skin: after bathing, massage your still damp skin with dry salt. This will remove dead skin and promote circulation.

To discover : The 5 Salt Scrubs You Absolutely Must Know.

58. To do a revitalizing facial treatment: for an energizing facial, mix equal parts salt and olive oil and gently massage your face and throat with wide up and inward movements. Leave on for 5 minutes then wash your face.

Other uses

salt is very useful for the maintenance of the house

59. To extinguish barbecue flames: if the fat from the meat leaks into the barbecue, the flames may become too strong. A handful of salt thrown on the flames will reduce the size of the flames and decrease the smoke without wetting the charcoal as water would.

60. To make candles last longer: soak new candles in a solution of strong salt water for a few hours, then dry them well. When you light them, the wax will not flow and the candles will last much longer. Check out the trick here.

61. To remove soot: from time to time, throw a handful of salt on the flames of your fireplace. This will help loosen the soot from the fireplace and the fire will make a beautiful bright yellow flame.

62. To have a fit goldfish: occasionally add a teaspoon of salt to a liter of clean water at room temperature. Put your goldfish in it for about 15 minutes and then put it back in its aquarium. The salt bath is good for him.

63. To clean the flower vases: to remove deposits caused by flowers and water, rub the vase with salt. If you cannot reach the deposits to rub them off, put a lot of salt with a little water in the vase and shake. Then wash the vase with soap and water.

Clean the vases with water and salt

64. Keeps cut flowers fresher longer: a little salt added to the water in a flower vase will keep cut flowers longer.

65. To hold artificial flowers: you have arranged your artificial flowers well and you want them to hold? Pour salt into the container, adding a little cold water and arranging the flowers as desired. The salt will solidify as it dries and hold the flowers in place.

66. Kills weeds: If weeds or unwanted grass are growing between the bricks or blocks of your patio, carefully distribute the salt between the bricks and blocks. Then pour water or wait for the rain to water the soil. Check out the trick here.

salt kills weeds

67. To kill poisonous plants: mix 1.5 kg of salt with 4 liters of soapy water. Spread the mixture on the leaves and stems with a sprayer.

68. To avoid freezing the windows: Rub the inside of the windows with a sponge dipped in a salt water solution and wipe with a dry cloth. Windows will not frost even in freezing weather. To prevent car windows from getting covered in frost, rub a small cloth bag with moistened salt on your car's windshield: this will prevent snow and ice from building up.

69. Defrost sidewalks and driveways: lightly sprinkle the paths and paths with coarse salt. This will prevent snow and ice from adhering to the coating and it will be easier to remove it. But don't overdo it! Use salt wisely to avoid damaging grass, ornamentals, and the environment in general.

70. Deodorizes shoes: occasionally sprinkle a little salt in canvas shoes to absorb moisture and help eliminate odors.

Bonus tip

Coarse salt, table salt and good refined salt

- Soup too salty? Salt is good, as long as you don't add too much! If your soup is too salty, cut one or two raw potatoes and drop them in the soup. The potato will absorb the salt. Check out the trick here.

For all that grandma's stuff, a basic table salt is fine.

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Also to discover:

Salt: A Natural and Effective Disinfectant for All Your Surfaces.

16 Surprising Uses of TABLE SALT. Don't Miss # 11!

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