Without Doubt The Greatest Tip To Clean Your Silverware.

Does family silverware get dirty, tarnish and ultimately blacken?

You would like to renovate it a bit and restore its shine.

But dedicated products are overpriced ... and full of toxic stuff.

What if I told you that I finally know a great trick for cleaning your silverware?

To keep your silverware looking like new, just use coarse salt and baking soda.

Yes, I assure you, I tried last weekend. I am glad. Look :

revive silverware with coarse salt and baking soda

How to do

1. Take a saucepan large enough to hold your silverware.

2. Fill it with water.

3. Add a glass of coarse salt and a glass of baking soda.

4. Surround your silverware with aluminum foil.

5. Immerse it in the pan.

6. Heat and stop when it boils.

7. Remove the silverware from the pan without getting burned.


There you go, your silverware is now impeccable :-)

On the other hand, your aluminum foil is very black.

To avoid any risk, first try with a single small piece of your silverware.

Also remember to clean the silverware well with clean water, in order to avoid leaving a more or less toxic residue and a bad taste.

Good to know: it also works with gold and silver jewelry.

If you prefer, here is another tip for Blanc de Meudon, which is also very effective.

Your turn...

Did you try that grandma's trick for cleaning silverware? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

The Easy Way To Clean Your Silverware.

The Working Trick To Clean Rust From Knives.

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