The Trick To Remove Lime In A Vase WITHOUT Rubbing.

Is your vase full of limestone on the walls and at the bottom?

And what's more, your vase doesn't smell of roses?

This is common after leaving flowers in a vase.

Luckily, there's a super easy trick to removing lime scale and deodorizing the vase at the same time.

The trick is to put white vinegar heated in the vase and leave it to act for 1 day. Look :

use white vinegar to wash a vase

How to do

1. Heat some white vinegar in the microwave.

2. Fill the vase with the heated white vinegar.

3. Gently shake the vase.

4. Leave on for a day.

5. Rinse with clean water.


And there you have it, you have eliminated the limestone and the bad odors in the vase :-)

All without effort! This trick works for all glass or crystal vases.

Bonus tip

If the lime marks are encrusted, add grains of rice after pouring in the heated white vinegar. And shake gently.

if the vase is very dirty, add more rice

Your turn...

Do you know any other grandma's tips for washing vases without rubbing? Share your tips with the community by leaving a comment. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

How to Clean a Narrow Vase? The Easy and Effortless Tip.

The Tip To Make Vase Flowers Last Longer.

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