12 Natural Weed Killers Very Easy to Make!

Chemical weed killers have a reputation for being extremely effective.

You are therefore necessarily tempted to use them to weed your garden or your paths.

The big downside is that these products are also terribly harmful for our planet, our neighborhood, our animals, but also for ourselves.

Fortunately, there are a host of 100% natural alternatives that are very effective, easy to prepare and very inexpensive.

Baking soda, potato water ... Discover 12 tips for making natural and effective weedkillers super easy to make:

12 Natural Weed Killers Very Easy to Make!

1. The cooking water of the potatoes

For starters, we'll give you a good old grandma's tip.

When you boil potatoes, do not throw boiling water in your sink anymore ...

... because this water is a powerful natural weedkiller!

Take out your potatoes and pour the water over the weeds in your walkways.

And you will be rid of it!

Namely, the higher the starch concentration, the more effective the weedkiller will be. Check out the trick here.

2. Pasta cooking water

Another grandmother's tip that has proven itself as an effective weedkiller is the use of pasta water.

Indeed, the boiling salted water of your pasta is a very effective natural weedkiller.

Salt helps sterilize your soils by preventing microorganisms from growing.

And boiling water allows it to create a thermal shock capable of eliminating plant cells.

So, take advantage of this nearly free boon to eliminate weeds from your garden. Check out the trick here.

3. Baking soda

Baking soda is an ideal weedkiller that not many people know about.

And that's a shame !

Indeed, this magic and ecological powder works wonders in the weeding of your paths, terraces or paving stones.

In addition, bicarbonate is very easy to use.

Mix 70 g of baking soda for 1 liter of boiling water then pour over the areas to be weeded.

According to our grandmothers, do this operation once or twice a year.

4. Basil essential oil

Less known to the general public, basil essential oil has serious advantages for weeding your garden.

Its insecticidal and fungicidal properties make this substance an effective ingredient in suppressing the most recalcitrant weeds.

Once again, the process is very simple.

Just put a few drops in your watering can and a little liquid soap to "bind" the preparation.

All you have to do is pour the mixture over the herbs to be weeded and voila!

5. Nettle manure

Good at first glance, it does not make you want too ...

And yet, nettle manure is ideal for effectively and ecologically weeding your garden.

Known and very popular with gardeners, this decoction works wonders thanks to its properties.

Be careful, however, this natural weedkiller is only effective if it is properly dosed, because nettle manure is rich in nitrogen and can become toxic to your plants.

Use 1 kilo of nettles for 10 liters of water with a maceration time between 15 and 30 days.

This will give you the perfect weed killer.

6. Salt and vinegar

Want a homemade granny trick for effective weeding?

Mix 5 liters of water, 1 kg of iodized salt and 200 ml of white vinegar.

Spray on affected areas full of weeds and when they have turned yellow, pull them out.

This method is widely used in the gardening world.

Why ? Because salt and vinegar are 2 harmful ingredients for weeds. Check out the trick here.

7. Wood ash

If you have a fireplace and wood ash in the winter, consider keeping it, because it's worth gold!

Wood ash has many uses that no one knows about, plus it has weed-killing properties.

Grandma's trick that will work wonders in your garden is to use a natural wood ash weedkiller!

Note that this residue has the effect of modifying the pH (Potention Hydrogen) of the soil, which naturally eliminates lawn moss.

So if your lawn is infested with moss, then use this substance so that it goes away easily. Check out the trick here.

8. The false seedling technique

Here is a technique as old as the world, but terribly effective in limiting the proliferation of weeds.

Make a false seedling!

It consists of preparing your soil as if the goal were to sow seeds when nothing will be planted.

After the soil has been worked, you will see weeds appear shortly after germination.

It is then sufficient to easily remove the weeds as soon as they appear.

Your soil will then be clear of all weeds and ready to receive the right crops.

9. Angelica manure

Angelica manure is perfect for naturally weeding the vegetable garden and flower beds.

To prepare your weedkiller liquid manure, follow this simple, but very effective recipe.

Take 1 kg of angelica leaves and roughly chop them.

Then put them in a 10 liter bucket of water in the sun.

Leave to macerate for about 10 days.

Your weedkiller potion is ready when no more bubbles appear in the liquid.

Then filter your preparation and pour over the weeds.

Once yellowed, all you have to do is tear them off.

10. White vinegar

White vinegar is the ultimate weedkiller for areas not intended for cultivation such as walkways, terraces, and gravel.

It has the advantage of being a contact herbicide, that is, it burns only the aerial parts with which it is in contact.

This prevents it from seeping into plant tissue like commercial chemicals do.

As a result, it does not weed to the root.

Its use is very simple and efficient!

Just mix 50% white vinegar with one volume of water and spray your composition on the weeds. Check out the trick here.

11. Green manures

Do you know green manures?

These are plants such as phacelia, clovers, mustards, buckwheat, marigolds, Indian roses ...

They have the particularity of producing toxic substances against weeds.

This allows you to effectively fight against their proliferation and much easier to maintain flower beds and areas reserved for plants and shrubs.

12. Mulching

Preventing the proliferation of weeds requires good mulching.

To do this, make sure you have removed all the weeds and their roots from the affected area.

Then mulch with grass clippings, pine bark or even wood chips.

Thus, weeds cannot regrow, because they are deprived of light.

In addition, it will give a very pleasant aesthetic effect to your garden.

Your turn...

Have you tried these grandma's weed recipes? Tell us in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

5 Homemade Weed Killers All Weeds HATE.

7 Powerful and Easy-to-Make Weed Killer Recipes.

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