How To Store Strawberries For Weeks In The Refrigerator.

Strawberries are too good, but they are not cheap!

So better not to let them rot in the fridge in their tray ...

Fortunately, there is a trick to keeping strawberries chilled in the fridge for weeks.

The trick is wash them with white vinegar and keep them in paper towel in the fridge. Look :

How To Store Strawberries For Weeks In The Refrigerator.

What you need

- salad bowl

- 1 volume of white vinegar

- 5 volumes of water

- absorbent paper

- soup bowl

How to do

1. Place the strawberries in the salad bowl.

2. Pour the water over it.

3. Add the white vinegar.

4. Stir the strawberries gently.

5. Leave on for two minutes.

6. Take out the strawberries and drain them over the sink.

7. Place them on absorbent paper in the deep plate.

8. Put the plate in the fridge.


Very red strawberries in the hand above the sink washed with white vinegar

And There you go ! You can now keep your strawberries in the fridge for weeks :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, isn't it?

No more rotten strawberries molding in their fridge!

No more mess! You will be able to taste them while taking your time without throwing your money out the window.

In addition, they keep their beautiful color, fragrance and taste.

This trick works for strawberries bought in trays, those freshly picked from the garden or even cut.

Why does it work?

White vinegar kills bacteria or mold spores (responsible for the rapid degradation of strawberries).

You will see little critters and dirt come to the surface when you put the strawberries in the vinegar water.

And don't worry, strawberries won't taste like white vinegar!

Removing moisture completely helps prevent mold.

The fruits will therefore keep a beautiful appearance and will not rot too quickly.

It also works for raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, currants and lingonberries.

Your turn...

Have you tried this grandmother's trick for storing strawberries for longer? Tell us in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

9 Incredible Benefits Of Strawberries You Didn't Even Know.

Why You Should NEVER Wash Your Strawberries in Tap Water.

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