How To Make Chocolate Cookies? My Delicious Recipe!

How about baking chocolate cookies?

It's a delicious recipe to share with loved ones for a taste.

Peckish ? We'll fix that up quickly.

Take out your best apron, you will do the food : let's go for excellent chocolate cookies to taste it.

quick and easy homemade cookie recipe


- 1 dark chocolate bar

- 200 g of chocolate chips

- 2 eggs

- 60 g butter

- 120 g of brown sugar

- 75 g of flour

- 1/2 teaspoon baking powder

How to do

Preparation: 20 min - Cooking: 15 min

1. Melt the dark chocolate with the butter. Cheerfully whip the two eggs with the brown sugar in a container and add the melted chocolate.

2. Put the flour, baking powder and chocolate chips with the above mixture.

3. The formation of cookies:take out a baking sheet to place your cookies. To do this, make small balls with your hands. Flatten out a bit so that they have a cookie shape when baking.

4. Put your cookies in the oven at 180 ° C, leave them for 15minutes.

how to make homemade cookies easily


Take off your apron, you've done a good job!

Now you know how to make delicious chocolate chip cookies :-)

Good tasting, but beware: it's hot!

Your turn...

So happy ? Leave us a comment below and tell us about your sweet tooth :-)

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Also to discover:

An inexpensive and delicious recipe: the homemade chocolate cake.

My Homemade Coconut & Chocolate Bars, an inexpensive treat.

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