The 3 Simple Tips To Keep Your Eggs Longer.

Eggs are delicious and excellent for your health.

Poorly preserved, your eggs lose all their freshness and flavor.

If you love eggs, this tip is for you.

Here are 3 simple steps to better preserve eggs and keep their flavor intact as long as possible.

The 3 simple steps to keep eggs fresh and keep eggs longer

1. Store them in the refrigerator

Eh yes ! Did you know that an egg left at room temperature loses the equivalent of a week of freshness in a single day?

2. Leave them in their box

In their box, you protect them from shocks and avoid breaking them.

The eggshell is also very porous and tends to absorb all odors from the refrigerator.

Last little tip, by arranging them tip down, the egg yolk remains well centered in its shell.

3. Keep them away from strong smelling foods

I avoid placing them next to foods that smell strong, such as cheese, melon, cabbage or artichoke.

Foods with strong aromas tend to "flavor" eggs because of the thousands of small pores in their shells.

Your turn...

Have you tried these easy tips for storing eggs for a long time? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

The trick to recognizing a fresh egg from an expired egg every time.

Finally a Tip To Remove the Shell from an Egg WITHOUT Effort.

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