Finally a tip so that the barbecue grill does not stick anymore!

Tired of food sticking to the barbecue grill?

Whether it's fish, like sardines, or meat, it always hangs on the grill.

As a result, you have to rub very hard to clean the grid, otherwise it will clog quickly.

Luckily, there is an amazing trick to preventing food from getting stuck on the bbq.

The trick is to rub an onion on the grill before cooking the food:

How to prevent fish or meat from sticking on the bbq grill

How to do

1. Cut an onion in half.

2. Heat your barbecue as usual.

3. Rub the grill with the cut onion before adding the food.


And there you have it, no more food that remains stuck on the barbecue grill :-)

It sounds incredible, but this trick works really well!

You now know how to grill fish without it sticking to the grill.

The good grilled fish is yours, whether it's hake, sea bream, sardines or mullet ...

And it's just as effective so that meat and skewers don't stick to the barbecue!

Your turn...

Give it a try and let us know in the comments what you think. We can't wait to hear from you!

Do you like this trick ? Share it with your friends on Facebook.

Also to discover:

The Best Tip for Cooking Grilled Fish on the Barbecue.

The Ultimate Tip To Easily Clean Your Barbecue Grill.

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