The Chef's Tip for Cutting Peppers Quickly.

Cutting a pepper is easy! Do you really know the right technique for slicing a bell pepper quickly?

What takes time is cleaning the inside of the pepper.

The chef's trick for slicing a bell pepper is to cut off the top and then slide the knife along the flesh from the inside to unroll it.

Here's how to get rid of the seeds and membranes of your bell pepper while chopping it up:

chop pepper like a chef

How to do

1. Cut off the top of the pepper.

2. Cut the pepper lengthwise.

3. Slide the knife along the flesh inside the pepper.

4. Cut out the white parts.


And there you have it, you cut your pepper quickly :-)

Simple, practical and efficient!

Not only are your peppers well cut, but also it's super fast.

Your turn...

Have you tried this grandmother's tip for peeling a pepper? Tell us in the comments if it was effective. We can't wait to hear from you.

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