39 Before / After Photos That Show How Love Changed The Lives Of These Cats.

According to a study, 8 million households have a cat in France.

What makes the cat, the favorite pet of the French!

The average life expectancy of a cat is 15 years.

He will share your life for all these years.

So there is a good chance that you will grow up together.

Whatever your age, you learn a lot from a cat.

Children learn to take responsibility, and the elderly receive real company.

comparative photo of baby cat and adult cat

Moreover, 43% of cat owners say that their animal de-distresses them and increases their well-being.

As independent as they are, our cats are always there for us.

They are there in times of happiness or sorrow, so it is important that we are there for them too.

Here are 39 before and after cat photos that will make you melt, take a look:

1. Watch how these two have grown up!

baby cat at the window

2. And those, well wrapped up in their beds

big cat in tiny bed

3. This one loves to supervise everything

huge cat on his mistress's shoulder

4. These two sisters are still inseparable

baby cat and adult cat in crate

5. This cat always wanted to be a photographer (or just to be photographed)

kitten in a camera bag

6. This hammock is starting to be a bit tight!

cat in hammock

7. This contortionist cat still loves his bed as much

cat in small basket

8. This sofa is not really the right size anymore.

cat on small sofa

9. This pretty red-haired cat still loves the sink as much

red cat in sink

10. Small, they are so innocent then once grown up, they are at their ease and that's why we love them

young black cats

11. Who has changed the most? The cat or the sofa?

cat on pink sofa clawed

12. This cat is now big enough to put its paw on the edge of the sink

gray cat in sink

13. Yes, we too, we love this photo

baby cat with soft toy

14. A musician at heart

fat cat sleeps in guitar case

15. These two have always been super affectionate

affectionate gray cat

16. Why are you wasting your time on the internet when you can just admire me?

cat on computer keyboard

17. He still loves you as much, whether you have long or short hair.

cat and young boy evolution

18. Snow White has become a beautiful maiden

white cat evolution

19. Super Meow in his superhero chair

ginger cat lying on a super man armchair

20. My favorite toy ... forever!

cat playing with her toy

21. Do you remember when I could sit with you on this chair?

cat on an office chair

22. This abandoned kitten received all the love she needed to grow well in her new family

growing tortoiseshell kitten

23. Having a sense of sharing, this is our motto

3 cats on a pillow

24. Couldn't find a more majestic cat than Walter

cream persian cat

25. Found abandoned and now happy and chubby

evolution little black cat

26. David and his cat, 17 years later

cat and his master 17 years later

27. In 10 years, nothing has changed

baby cat and his master before after

28. In my favorite box

white cat in box

29. Always so playful ...

black and white cats playing

30. This armchair is still as comfortable as ever

cat in adult baby chair

31. The keyboard keys have disappeared

red angora cat on computer

32. Looks like my basket has shrunk

cat in basket too big and too small

33. Mine too

cat in too small basket

34. Brothers forever

red cats brothers

35. My favorite workstation

baby white cat on computer

36. We're running out of space now

two tabby cats in basket

37. Friends forever

child and cat grew up

38. Squat the bowl to make sure you are served first

gray cat in a bowl

39. A always so cozy shoulder

long haired red cat before after

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Also to discover:

Children Who Grow Up With Dogs Or Cat Have Higher Emotional Intelligence.

When the Cat Squats the Dog's Basket.

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