The Simple Trick To Stop Tangling Your Headphones.

Are your headphones still tangled? That's the same for me.

Whether in the pocket or in a bag, the headphones get tangled.

Here's a little trick so you don't waste time sorting them out every time you want to listen to music.

All you need is a paper clip:

Use a paperclip to keep your headphones from tangling

How to do

1. Take a paper clip.

2. Unfold it entirely

3. Wrap your headphones properly.

4. Now wrap the paper clip around the headphones.


And there you have it, no more twisted headphones :-)

Now you know how to store your headphones without damaging them.

Simple, efficient and economical!

Thanks to this simple anti-tangle DIY, the headphones do not get tangled and are tidy in your bag.

This trick also prevents the earphone cable from being damaged too quickly.

Your turn...

Have you tried this free tip for storing headphones? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

The Tip of Never Tangling Your Headphones Again. Just for Jeans.

How To Store Your Headphones? The Tip For Girls.

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