Bad Smells in the Fridge? Use a Lemon to Deodorize it.

A refrigerator is supposed to house healthy and appetizing food.

So if it smells bad, nothing's right.

Fortunately, this disease is not without a cure.

To neutralize bad smells in your fridge, I'll give you my little simple tip.

The very economical and very effective trick is lemon. Look :

Use half a lemon to remove fridge odors

How to do

In my fridge you will always find half a lemon at the top of the fridge and another at the bottom.

It works great to remove bad smells and it keeps me from blocking my nose every time the door is opened!

You can place each of the lemon halves on a small cup to avoid dirtying the inside of the fridge and thus not having to clean your fridge too often.

Of course, this manipulation must be repeated as soon as the lemon begins to be dry and no longer takes effect.


Half a lemon in a fridge to deodorize it

And now, with this little trick, my fridge still smells good :-)

And instead of buying an air freshener for the fridge which costs around 5 to 10 €, I use a good little lemon that is much more economical to buy.

Less1 € and just as effective against bad smells !

Your turn...

Have you tried this trick against bad odors? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

Smelly Fridge: Finally an Effective Tip.

10 Tips that Work to Remove Bad Smells from the Fridge.

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