10 beautiful plants that don't need sunlight to grow taller.

I don't know about you, but I love green plants. I have plenty of them at home.

However, you can't always expose them well to sunlight, especially in an apartment.

Fortunately, there are some beautiful plants that cope well with lack of light.

So you can enjoy beautiful plants in your apartment or on your terrace even without direct sunlight.

here is 10 green plants that grow perfectly even without sun. Look :

10 plants that don't need light to grow

1. Chlorophytum

chlorophytum shade loving plant

It is also called a spider plant or Vaudoise grass. It is one of the easiest to maintain: no need to have a green thumb! It does not require any particular care. You just need to water it once or twice a week depending on the season. In addition, it is very easy to propagate, so you will have plenty of it without having to buy more. When you see that the plant is producing a long, bald stalk at the end of which there are small leaves, cut it off and plant the base of the small leaves in a new pot.

2. Sanseveria

Sanseveria mother-in-law's tongue plant that loves shade

Better known under the name of mother-in-law's tongue or snake plant, this plant purifies the ambient air. It is very easy to maintain and does not require a lot of watering. Do not put it in direct sunlight, it would cook!

3. Neoregelia

the neoregelia shade loving plant

Neoregelia is an ultra colorful plant. It is appreciated for its brilliant green foliage and very vivid flowers. It belongs to the genus of bromeliads. It does not like direct sun, but requires a lot of water, so much so that it is called a "reservoir plant". Other than that, the maintenance is really simple.

4. Madagascar dragon tree

Madagascar dragon tree shade loving plant

The Madagascar dragon tree is a very beautiful small evergreen tree. It is often found as a houseplant in garden centers. His growth is very slow and he has no problem being in a dark room. This plant is so undemanding that you will surely keep it for the rest of your life!

5. Calathea

calathea, shade-loving plant

Calathea is a very beautiful houseplant with large leaves streaked with white or purple. It is very decorative. It adapts perfectly to dimly lit and humid rooms: it is perfect in a bathroom, for example. On the other hand, know that she hates the cold.

6. Dicentra

heart of Mary plant that loves shade

It is also called "bleeding heart or heart of Mary". This plant is perfect for shaded terraces, as it produces pretty, very colorful flowers without the need for direct sunlight. Once planted, it will bloom again each year.

7. Moon flowers

moon flowers shade loving plant

Its scientific name is spathiphyllum. It is one of those plants that purify the air in the house. This is why they are very often found as decoration in apartments or offices. They don't have any special requirements, other than they hate direct sunlight. With a little love, you will see them grow up to 1 meter.

8. Coleus

coleus plant that grows without sun

These plants are great for adding color to the garden or home, especially in dark corners. They also like indoors as long as it is not too hot and the soil is always humid.

9. Umbrella papyrus

papyrus umbrella shade loving plant

It is an evergreen ornamental plant that hates the cold. You can put it indoors or outdoors, but always in the shade and with moist soil.

10. Tricolor maranta

the tricolor maranta plant that loves shade

Maranta leaves fold up at night, hence its common name: the prayer plant. It would also be depolluting. Indoors and outdoors, she hates direct sunlight, but appreciates being sprayed with water regularly.


Be aware that all plants with white on the leaves are poisonous to pets. Do not let them chew on these leaves.

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17 Houseplants That Grow WITHOUT Sunlight.

24 Plants That Grow In Your Garden WITHOUT (or Almost) WATER.

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