Liber-T Campus: The Good Plan for Less Expensive Travel for Students.

Been to Liber-T Campus?

It is THE good plan that allows students educated far from home to travel cheaper ...

… Thanks to a 50% reduction on tolls, for trips from the parental home to the place of study.

Liber-T Campus, how does it work?

Highway toll booth

If you are a student in the Paris-Rhin-Rhône area and you have your driving license, you can travel cheaper thanks to thesubscription Liber-T Campus electronic toll payment system.

Liber-T Campus is a good plan to get back home faster and spend less :

- Faster, because you avoid the queues at the toll booths, since you have lanes reserved for holders of the "Liber-T" season ticket. This allows you to arrive faster without driving like crazy.

- By spending less: you travel at half the price, the tolls cost you half the price. It's still not bad when you know that the money flies very quickly at the tolls.

VSow can I take out a Liber-T Campus subscription?

You have to go to client area or call 0810 01 42 42 to subscribe to Liber-T Campus.

You can use the map provided on the site to find the nearest reception point to you.

To be able to register, do not forget the vouchers following:

1. a bank or postal identity statement.

2. proof of address.

3. a school certificate.

4. your driver's license.

Savings made

By car

I was a student like you and I know that we like being able to come home often, to see family and friends and then, for our little comfort too!

For 35 € per year, you benefit from 50% reduction on the highways that connect the parental home to your place of study.

The advantages of the Liber-T Campus subscription are adapted according to the distance separating you from the family home:

>> If you study 50 km from your parents' home, you have the right to 40 trips at -50%.

>> If you study at a distance of between 50 and 100 km from the family home, you have 20 trips at -50%.

>> Finally, if you study more than 100 km from your parents' home, you have 10 trips at -50%.

Here is a good plan that will allow you to come home more often, just to decompress a little during the week of class!

Liber-T pass, what do you think? Thinking of subscribing? Share your reactions in the comments!

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