How To Get Rid Of Acne Pimples With Essential Oil?

It's not just teens who can have an acne breakout.

It also happens when we are stressed or when we have not slept badly.

In addition, these unsightly buttons always come at the wrong time.

Fortunately, there is a grandma's recipe for getting rid of acne pimples fast.

The remedy is touse true lavender essential oil. Look, it's very simple:

natural acne treatment with lavender essential oil

How to do

1. Get some true lavender essential oil.

2. Pour one to two drops on a cotton ball.

3. Apply directly to the pimple (s).

4. Repeat the operation once a day until complete disappearance.


Before after grandma's remedy for acne

And There you go ! Your acne pimples disappeared quickly :-)

Easy, convenient and fast, isn't it?

You don't even have to buy expensive acne cream.

Bonus tip

If you have some recurring acne pimples, there is also a powerful remedy to make them disappear permanently.

To do this, in a small clean container, put 5 drops of rosehip vegetable oil (or jojoba), 1 drop of tea tree essential oil, 1 drop of aspic lavender and 1 drop of true lavender.

Mix everything well then apply to the area to be treated after washing your face. Make sure your fingers are clean as well.

For it to be effective, use this remedy morning and evening on a clean face.

Why does it work?

The essential oil of tea tree and lavender have antiseptic properties known to cure acne.

Thanks to their natural action, they make pimples disappear quickly without leaving a trace.

Additional advice

- If you are prone to acne, wash your face every day with a product for "problem" skin. We talk about it here in this article.

- Also remember to remove your makeup well and always protect your skin from the sun.

- For these gentlemen, shave with a shaving cream containing an antiseptic.

Your turn...

Have you tried this natural tip for treating acne pimples? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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