Here is How to Grow an Avocado Tree from an Avocado Kernel.

Growing an avocado tree from an avocado pit is not that complicated.

And it's also a fascinating educational project that can be enjoyed by the whole family.

Seeing a plant grow before his eyes, a little more every day, is an amazing and rewarding experience.

Below you will learn how to grow an avocado tree at home in just 9 steps:

How to grow an avocado from a pit

How to do

1. Eat an avocado and keep the pit.

2. Wash it well with clean water and dry it.

3. Identify the top and bottom of the core.

Put the bottom of the avocado stone in at least 2 cm of water

4. Stick 4 toothpicks in the bottom of the pit. It is usually the widest part of the core.

place toothpicks in the avocado kernel to hold it in the glass of water

5. Fill a glass with water and place the core in the glass. At least 2 cm of the core must be submerged in water.

Put the pit in the glass of water. Half of the core must be submerged

6. Place the glass in a warm place in the sun. Near a window for example.

Check regularly that at least 2 cm of the core are well submerged in water. If not, add water. This is very important for the seed to develop.

7. After 2 months, you should start to see the first roots sprouting. From there, think about change the water every 2 days.

Avocado seed with root in a glass of water by the window

8. When the roots are about 10 cm, it's time to put the pit in a flower pot about 15 cm in diameter.

Use humus-rich potting soil to promote avocado growth

Remember to leave the half of the core outside of the earth. And the part that was in the water must now be in the earth.

For soil, use a humus-rich potting soil like this.

9. Remember to water regularly. Sometimes a little more than usual so that all the earth is moist while avoiding drowning.

Avocado tree at the window with lots of leaves


And there you have it, the avocado tree is now 30 cm high! You have successfully grown an avocado tree from an avocado pit :-)

Be aware that this experiment will not produce avocados for at least 4 years.

Yes, in a natural environment, it takes between 4 and 7 years for a tree to produce fruit.

So don't expect to be able to eat your own avocados anytime soon ;-)

Additional advice

- To maximize your chances of growing the pit, choose a tough, firm avocado.

- Some people have better results when they remove the skin from the core before putting it in the water.

- When the first roots reach 10 cm in length, you can cut them in half so that they gain strength and thickness.

- If you see yellow leaves appearing, it is a sign that the plant is overwatered. In this case, let the plant dry for a few days without adding water.

- If, on the contrary, the leaves turn brown and are burnt at the ends, it is a sign that there is too much salt in the earth. At this point, let water run through the flowerpot and then drain the soil.

- When the stems are about 8 inches high, cut them in half to encourage the growth of new shoots.

- Always keep in mind that the more sunlight the plant gets, the better!

Your turn...

Have you tried this grandma's trick for growing an avocado tree? Tell us in the comments if it worked. We can't wait to hear from you!

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