Here is the Tip to Avoid Mold on Jams.

Do you like jam, but are you the only one to eat it at home?

So, of course, you open a jar, but after a while the mold appears.

There is a simple trick to avoiding mold on jams.

You just need a little powdered sugar.

a thin layer of sugar prevents the jam from molding

How to do

1. Take powdered sugar.

2. Just add a thin layer of powdered sugar when you start your jam.


There you go, mold and mildew are over! You have avoided the formation of mold on the jam :-)

Mold does not prevent you from continuing to eat the jam. But it's not very sweet to have to remove it.

Sugar prevents mold growth. To be repeated regularly, time to eat the whole pot!

Your turn...

Have you tried this trick to prevent mold on the opened jam jar? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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