Descale the Water Heater to Consume Less Electricity.

For those who use a water heater at home, consider having it descaled regularly.

That is to say at least every 2 years, especially if you live in an area where the water is very hard.

And, for the others, do this descaling at least once every 3 years.

We will explain why right away. Look :

descale the water heater to consume less electricity

How to do

You do not spontaneously think of having your water heater descaled unless you notice that the water heats up less quickly or that there is no longer any hot water.

But be aware that a scaled water heater consumes much more energy to heat the same amount of water as an appliance in good condition.

Regularly descaling your water heater is a trick that allows you to reduce your energy consumption and ensure that this appliance works properly.

If you want to save yourself the expense of a professional to descale your water heater and you have a DIY spirit, you can try descaling it yourself by following this great tutorial.

In particular, you will see the impressive amounts of lime that can accumulate in water heaters.


There you go, by descaling your water heater, you consume less electricity :-)

As a result, you save money on the next electricity bill.

Simple, practical and efficient, isn't it?

In addition, by regularly maintaining the water heater, you will keep it in good working order for longer.

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