5 Good Tips To Help Your Child With Constipation.

Constipation in children, especially young children, is more common than you might think.

It is not necessarily chronic, and can be treated quite easily.

To see more clearly about your child's case, here are some real good tips.

Your child is constipated if they have less bowel movements than usual (up to 3 times a week), and they are also hard and painful.

Of course, you have to pay attention to it right away, in order to help it before it becomes chronic.

5 natural tips to help a constipated child

Normal functional change in the intestines

Your child's intestines are building and changing, this is completely normal. But this "functional" constipation is more painful for him. If he's really small, he won't understand and this pain will force him to hold back, and make the problem worse.

This is why it is important to check the frequency stool, and observe the behviour of your child. If he is holding back and is afraid, he must be reassured and helped.

If he has an "accident" in his panties from having held back too much, above all, don't scold him. He might think that pooping is a dirty thing.

1. Suitable drinks

Drink water

The first way to help her is to make her stools less hard, and therefore less painful. To do this, we put on a water adapted, like that of Hepar, for example. We can add grape and prune juice if he accepts to drink it.

We are trying to reduce dairy products. If your child is at an age when he still drinks a lot of milk, ask your doctor for permission to switch to, for example, soy milk.

2. We also eat what we need

We eat green vegetables

In terms of food, the king foods are of course the green vegetables, bran bread, apples, pasta complete, and anything that contains fiber (lentils, flageolet beans, chickpeas, cabbage, turnips, spinach, salsify, red fruits, plums, apricots ...)

It is advisable to avoid anything that is chocolate as much as possible, even if your child loves it. If he likes to drink cocoa, choose Ovomaltine, the best for transit. Give him rice in moderation, as well as the banana.

3. Possible help: suppositories and homeopathy

If the constipation has really become chronic (symptoms that have occurred at least three months in the last year), I advise you to give your child a helping hand, so that things gradually get back to normal.

For its transit to return to normal, one can, occasionally, go through some aids such as suppositories of glycerine or a few granules ofhomeopathy (Ignatia or hydrastis), which are harmless and do not give any addiction.

Consult your pharmacist. You can also use water enemas with a pear, but for my part, I find that this process can be a little traumatic for the youngest children.

4. Psychological help

In many cases, children have fear to poop (something comes out of their body, they are sometimes embarrassed). They need to understand that pooping is okay. For that to us, parents, to reassure them, and to show that we are happy with their progress.

If the symptoms of constipation are already there, and you have a hard time not showing your concerns to your child, a date with a pediatrician may be needed. He will advise you on the best way to act.

5. Medical treatment

Consult a doctor

It is rare, but possible, for the problem to persist after all of these precautions. It can happen that these disorders are due to other health problems. In this case, if the first alternatives do not give anything, turn to your doctor, making him list of remedies that you have tried.

The doctor will probably give an appropriate treatment, from 4 to 6 months on average, with a regular follow-up.

In any case, I wish you good luck, and advise you to always, whatever the case, prepare balanced meals, hydrate your children well, and stay zen (if you can). Consider giving me testimonials and other leads in the comments!

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