11 foods that make you hungrier after eating them!

You are hungry ? Well eat!

But what if the food you eat leaves you feeling more hungry than before?

This is a fairly common question.

“Hunger is the result of different interactions between the stomach, intestines, brain and pancreas,” says Dr. Decottiis, a weight loss specialist.

The problem is, this circuit can easily be fooled.

Here are 11 foods that will make you feel like you're "spinning" while your stomach is full:

1. White bread

food to avoid white bread

White flour (used for white bread) has been stripped of its husk (bran). This depletes the grain of its fiber content. Eating white bread increases your insulin levels, explains Dr Decotiis.

In a recent Spanish study, researchers tracked the eating habits and weight of more than 9,000 people.

They found that those who ate 2 or more servings of white bread per day were more likely (40%) to be overweight or obese within five years compared to those who ate less.

2. Fruit juices

food to avoid juice fruits to avoid cravings

Fruit juices are a trendy drink. They are very healthy, but contain all the sugar in the fruit. There is not enough fiber and pulp in your juices.

This means that drinking a glass of fruit juice can cause your blood sugar level to skyrocket and drop just as quickly, causing a craving.

The best solution is to make a smoothie with whole fruits and add a tablespoon of nut butter. This will help regulate your blood sugar and boost satiety.

3. Salted biscuits (crakers)

salty cookies make you very hungry and fat

Wondering why you want to eat something sweet after devouring a whole packet of crisps?

The reason is simple.

Crisps, pretzels and other salty snacks are simple carbohydrates that are digested quickly and then cause insulin spikes and then a rapid drop.

And since your taste buds are linked to your brain, and the urge for quick energy is linked to sugar, you'll crave something sweet. And that very quickly after ingesting too much of these salty things.

What's more, thanks to a phenomenon called "specific sensory satiety", you can eat a lot of salty snacks and still feel hungry, because only your "salty" stomach is full. Your "sweet" stomach is always empty.

It is for this reason that by eating salty cookies, you will want to eat 2 times to fill the 2 stomachs: the salty and the sweet.

4. Fast food

food to avoid fast food why hamburger makes you hungry

Almost every ingredient in fast food is designed to make you eat more.

For example, trans fatty acids inflame the gut, which interferes with the body's ability to produce appetite-control neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine, says Dr Decotiis.

During this time, the digestive tract absorbs the fructose-rich elements of corn (commonly found in sandwich breads, condiments and desserts) too quickly, causing insulin spikes and even more hunger pangs.

Finally, huge portions of salt can stimulate dehydration. However, the symptoms of thirst closely resemble those of hunger. Result, you will then be tempted to refill yourself to satisfy your hunger.

5. Alcohol

alcohol makes you fat and makes you hungry

Alcohol not only reduces your desire for healthy eating, it also treats your hunger pangs.

According to research published in "Alcohol and Alcoholism", just 3 drinks can reduce your body's leptin levels by 30%.

Leptin is a hormone designed by your body to suppress your hunger and make you feel full.

Alcohol can also deplete your body's carbohydrates (called glycogen). “It makes you crave carbohydrates in order to replace what seems lost,” says Dr. Decotiis. And if you feel like eating crackers, dehydration and a loss of electrolytes are taking effect.

6. White pasta

paste increases the sugar level and does not satiate

White pasta is like white bread, but it deserves its own paragraph. It's so easy to eat too much of it!

A standard serving of cooked pasta should normally not exceed 120g, or only half a cup. But restaurants often serve 300g of pasta on the side.

When you overload your body with simple carbohydrates, your pancreas will mass produce insulin. You will have produced so much sugar that your blood sugar will drop and you will be starving.

Worse ! What are you going to pour over your pasta? A store bought sauce? It probably contains even more sugars ...

7. Monosodium glutamate

Glutamate to avoid makes you fat and makes you hungry

Monosodium glutamate is a flavor enhancer that is often added to Chinese and Japanese foods.

It's also found in other foods, including canned vegetables, soups, processed meats, and even in beer and ice cream.

A Spanish study suggests that this chemical triggers a 40% increase in appetite.

And according to a study published in the American journal "Obesity", people who consume the most glutamate are 3 times more likely to be obese than those who do not.

The effects of leptin ("the satiety hormone") can be damaged by the damaging effects of glutamate on the hypothalamus, "explains Dr. Decotiis.

What's more, the effects can worsen over time, so the more glutamate you eat, the more you'll want to eat.

8. Sushi

sushi make you hungry

You might think you've only picked good, fresh, sinful fish, but you're actually eating more rice than anything else, says dietitian Susan M. Kleiner, science advisor for USANA Health Sciences. in the USA.

For example: the California roll. It has over 30 grams of carbohydrates, it's like eating 3 slices of white bread.

“If you don't eat something else, sushi rolls are digested quickly and disappear from the stomach. They are not filling like fiber or protein,” says Susan M. Kleiner.

9. Artificial sugars (sweeteners)

unhealthy sweeteners too sweet diet

Whether they're in your Diet Coke (or Zero) or sprinkled in your coffee, artificial sweeteners (aspartame, sucralose, saccharin, and more) will excite your brain cells into thinking they're about to. to obtain energy through calories. However, this is not the case at all ...

Result: You'll want to eat more candy throughout the day, to try and make up for this disappointment.

Over time, this process can even affect the hunger control center in the brain.

Finally, be aware that artificial sweeteners have been shown to cause insulin spikes as well, just like real full sugar which is full of calories.

10. Children's cereals

too sweet cereals to avoid in the morning pump

White flour with a lot of sugar is all that industrial cereals contain. The sugar in cereals (such as Kellogg's and Nestlé) causes insulin spikes and increases your blood sugar level.

“Eating such a carbohydrate load in the morning when your cortisol levels are at their highest is a double whammy for your metabolism,” says Dr. Decotiis.

Why ? Because during the night and in the morning, your body pumps out enormous amounts of cortisol. Your body naturally prepares itself for the stress of the day ahead.

However, high cortisol levels mean that your body has a much harder time digesting the sugars you eat. Therefore, even if your blood sugar level is high, it will not necessarily reach the tissues in your body that need it.

So you will feel tired and you will continue to be hungry for no apparent reason.

Eating cereal in the morning can be a great way to start your day, but to do so, opt for whole grain cereals or bran that contain minus 5 grams of fiber and less than 5 grams of sugar per serving.

11. The pizzas

pizza to avoid so as not to be hungry

You know you can't eat just a slice of it, no matter the size of the pizza.

Why ? Because it is the combination of white flour, hydrogenated oils, processed cheese, and preservatives that will disrupt your blood sugar level as well as the production of satiety hormones, according to Dr. Decotiis.

As a result, you will still be hungry even if you eat several very fatty pizza slices!

That said, if you make your pizza at home with whole wheat dough, lean meat, lots of veggies, and just a pinch of cheese, you'll have a perfect fiber and protein meal.

This homemade pizza will prevent you from having a craving in 1 hour!

And There you go ! By avoiding these 11 foods, you will no longer have excruciating cravings in the middle of the day, and you will do a good thing for your health :-)

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14 Habits That Make You Obese.

15 Best Foods To Eat For Weight Loss.

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