A Nail Polish that Keeps Longer.

I open my favorite nail polish bottle when I find it has become mushy.

Here's how to have a nail polish that costs you less by keeping it longer.

5 drops of nail polish remover

As soon as my varnish begins to solidify I add 5 or 6 drops of remover in the bottle.

Be careful, however, not to put too much solvent, but only a few drops, otherwise it will lose its initial color.

Thanks to this trick, the varnish becomes liquid again and I can apply it more easily on the nails. The prettiest hands have me.

Suddenly more fluid varnish

The idea is quite simple: when the varnish getting old, it is solidifies, suddenly it is no longer as liquid. When I try to put it on my nails it's a real disaster: it looks like I brush my nails fingernails with chewing gum.

It is true that the solvent at the base is used to to withdraw the varnish we have on our nails. It may seem strange to put some in the bottle of your nail polish. Still, believe me I don't wash off the polish with the nail polish remover.

Indeed,the nail polish remover miraculously gives a second life to your favorite nail polish. And Bam. The most beautiful nails in the neighborhood are yours.

And you girls, what are you doing to keep your nail polish longer? Have you already tested my tip? Tell me everything in the comments.

Savings made

Nail polish is expensive: if you want a good polish you will find it on average for 10 €. So if it wears out quickly and becomes chewing gum after just a few passes, no thanks.

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Also to discover:

The Unstoppable Trick To Open Nail Polish When The Stopper Is Sticked On.

Our Tip for Keeping Nail Polish Longer.

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