10 Effective Colds Remedies You Should Already Know About.

Are you feeling the first symptoms of a bad cold?

Don't let him get you woozy and act fast!

Get it right before it's too late with these simple, home-made remedies.

These grandmother's remedies will help you unclog your nose and soothe your itchy throat quickly.

Here is our selection of 10 natural and effective remedies to fight colds. Look :

remedies to prevent or cure colds naturally

1. Stay hydrated as much as possible

hydrate yourself a lot during a cold

Drink lots of fluids. Why ? Because drinking helps decongest the bronchi, moisturize the throat and prevent dehydration.

Don't know what to drink? Drink water, herbal teas, or ginger tea.

A good chicken broth is also an effective grandmother's remedy!

2. Do a fumigation

avoid colds with fumigation

What is fumigation? It’s very simple. It is the act of breathing water vapor with essential oils in it.

The active molecules, inhaled through the nostrils, thus easily enter the respiratory tract.

By breathing in steam, you unblock your nose. Hold your head over a bowl of boiling water and breathe slowly through your nose.

Check the temperature of the steam: the goal is not to burn yourself. Add a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil to unclog your nose.

You can also use an air humidifier in your bedroom. Or just take a hot shower with the door closed to keep the steam in. You can even add Vicks Vaporub lozenges to it.

3. Blow your nose the right way

blow your nose well during a cold

Blowing your nose regularly is much better than snorting and swallowing mucus. But know that it is important to do it the right way.

If you blow too hard through your nose, you risk pushing the germs in the phlegm up to your ears.

These germs can then cause an ear infection. Not terrible !

The best technique to blow your nose safely? Press a finger on one nostril as you blow gently to empty the other. Not that hard, is it?

4. Use a salt spray to rinse your nose.

wash the nose with salt water during a cold

Saline sprays as well as sea water are effective liquids to help decongest your nose quickly.

For this, the recipe is very simple. Mix 3 teaspoons of salt without iodine and one of baking soda.

Place the mixture in an airtight container. Put 1 teaspoon of this mixture in about 250 ml of warm boiled water.

Then fill a syringe, or a pear like this, with this solution. Tilt your head over the sink and gently pour the salt water into your nose.

Keep one nostril closed by applying light pressure with your finger while pouring the mixture into the other nostril. Let the liquid drip off. Then do the same in the other nostril.

Always use boiled or sterile water when making this mixture. Otherwise, you could get an infection. Also remember to rinse the ampoule after each use and let it air dry.

5. Stay warm and rest

to avoid colds, stay warm

It is especially important to rest when you first experience cold or flu symptoms.

This helps your body to focus all of its energy on fighting off this infection that is attacking it. This battle is exhausting your body.

So stay warm under the covers! Unless you have a fever because at this time it is advisable not to cover up too much.

6. Gargle with warm salt water

gargle to avoid colds

This home remedy is very effective in lubricating your sore throat and providing quick relief.

Try half a teaspoon of salt dissolved in 250 ml of warm water 4 times a day.

To calm that constantly itchy throat, use one of these 16 gargles.

7. Drink hot liquids

drink hot to cure a cold

Hot liquids are very effective in relieving congestion and soothing your sore throat.

If your nose is so stuffy that you can't sleep at night, try this hot grog recipe our grandmothers used.

Here is the simple recipe: put 1 teaspoon of honey and a small glass of whiskey or bourbon if you wish (adults only!) In a cup of hot water. Then drink slowly.

But take it easy and limit yourself to 1 toddy a day. Too much alcohol inflames the membranes of the nose and throat.

Remember: Alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health. Consume in moderation.

8. Use a menthol balm

use a camphor or eucalyptus balm against colds

Put a small cotton ball soaked in this balm under your nose. This will help open the airways.

Menthol, eucalyptus, and camphor are ingredients that can help unclog your nose and prevent this discomfort.

To discover : 18 Magical Uses of VapoRub Everyone Should Know.

9. Place mini hot water bottles on your sinuses

mini hot water bottle to heat sinuses

Take a small damp towel (or washcloth) and heat it for 30 seconds in the microwave.

Test the temperature to make sure it won't burn you and put the hot towel over your sinuses to help decongest them.

You can also use a mini-hot water bottle like this for even more efficiency.

10. Put an extra pillow under your head

to breathe easier during a cold, raise your pillows

Sleeping with your head up is also a good trick to breathe better at night. This prevents your nose from filling up too quickly.

If you find that you have your head too high with 2 pillows, you can also place the pillows between the mattress and the box spring to create a smoother slope.

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Also to discover:

Grandmother's Recipe Indispensable Against Colds.

Lemon, Honey and Ginger: The Remedy That Works For Colds and Sore Throats.

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