The Easy Way To Clean A Leather Sofa.

A real leather sofa is worth a lot!

Clean your sofa with our tip to give it all the shine and suppleness of the new.

Your sofa, you hold on to it, it's normal. He is handsome as everything, but lately he has a little tendency to age.

Here is the trick to clean it easily:

To clean a leather sofa: Soak a cloth in milk and run it over the sofa.

How to do

1. Take a clean cloth and some milk.

2. Dip the cloth in the milk and wring it out to remove the excess milk.

3. Wipe the cloth gently and evenly over the entire surface of your sofa.

4. Now rinse the cloth with clean water and run it on the sofa to remove the milk.

5. Make a final swipe with a dry cloth to remove the moisture.


A carton of milk on a black leather sofa to clean it

And here it is, it's over, your sofa has taken a lot of youth :-)

If the sofas could talk, yours would say thank you.

Your turn...

Have you tried this grandma's trick for cleaning a leather sofa? Tell us in the comments if it was effective. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

No more cat hair on the sofa with this trick.

The Easy Way to Clean a Sofa.

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