5 Amazing Uses of a French Press.

Is your French press only for making coffee?

The rest of the time, does it just take up shelf space?

And much more now!

French presses are more useful than you might think.

Yes, they have a particularly ingenious design and their glass carafe can withstand all hot liquids.

Thanks to their metal microfilter, they can also filter all kinds of solid matter.

surprising use of French press

Here are 5 amazing uses for a French press you should know:

1. To brew loose tea

French press coffee makers are also used to brew tea.

Most of the varieties of tea I love don't come in teabags but in bulk.

And the problem is the tea leaves because we put them everywhere! As well when filling the tea ball as when washing it!

The trick is to use your French press to brew loose tea.

You can now brew your loose tea and drink a good cup of tea WITHOUT putting it everywhere!

And in addition, it also works with tea bags.

2. To make a beautiful milk froth

Use your French press to make a nice froth of milk.

Pour a little milk into the carafe of your coffee maker and back and forth with the plunger for a few minutes.

Continue this movement and, in no time, you get a nice thick and creamy milk froth.

Or better yet, use your coffee maker to make delicious homemade whipped cream! Check out the trick here.

3. To rinse the quinoa seeds

Using a French press to rinse out quinoa

Rinsing the quinoa is really a hassle!

The quinoa seeds are so small that they go through the colander. A waste that makes me cringe ...

But that was before ! Now I am using the filter from my French press.

To do this, put your quinoa seeds in the coffee maker and fill it with water. Then push in the plunger and pour in the water again. (I reuse this water to water the plants).

Fill the carafe and pour the water again, until it becomes transparent. Great this tip!

4. To infuse your homemade oils and alcohols

Use your coffee maker to macerate the ingredients in drinks and oils.

Again, it is the micro filter in your coffee maker that can help you make homemade drinks and oils.

The lid of your coffee maker allows the ingredients to macerate well, to bring out all their aromas and flavors in your homemade alcohols and oils.

Once infused to your taste, all you have to do is push in the plunger and its micro-filter, perfectly adapted to the diameter of the carafe, filters the ingredients. Super practical!

5. For draining and filtering almost all foods.

A French press placed on a wooden table

Whether it's draining your frozen spinach or straining a broth from your leftover seafood, the French press is a great tool for draining and straining just about any food.

The only precaution to take is to avoid using your French press to pass particularly heavy and thick food! Because by pushing in the plunger, you risk breaking the carafe.

Where can I find a French press?

You don't have a French press yet? As we have just seen, in addition to making good coffee, a French press has plenty of other uses.

If you are looking for a quality and affordable one, we recommend this one which has very good reviews.

Your turn...

Do you know other uses for the French press? Leave us a comment below to share them with our community. We can't wait to hear from you! :-)

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