The Tip To Repel Flies Naturally.

Are you facing an invasion of flies?

It is really painful!

Flies land everywhere, cheeky ones, even on food!

Quick, a trick to get rid of it.

Here is our tip for putting an end to those critters.

To repel flies, the items to collect are sure to be found in the kitchen of the house: just a large onion and a few cloves.

against onion and clove flies

How to do

1. Take cloves.

2. Peel the onion and cut it in half.

3. Plant three or four cloves in each half.

4. Arrange each half of this vegetable in each of the rooms to be protected.


And there you have it, you chased away the flies naturally :-)

No more house infested with flies!

Now you know how to get rid of flies effectively.

If you have more than two pieces to protect, you will need a second onion.

Your turn...

Have you tried this grandmother's trick to kill flies? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

6 Effective Tips for Fighting Flies.

Finally a Tip To Repel Mosquitoes Naturally.

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