8 Awesome Tips For Cupcake Fans To Know.
Do you love to bake cupcakes?
So, you know the pain it can be!
Between the icing that does not hold, the piping bag that overflows or the muffin that has the shape of an erupting volcano, the art of cupcake is not accessible to the first comer.
To make your life easier, I've put together the 8 best cupcake tips for you.
You will see, they will quickly become essential to you. Look :
1. To transport your cupcakes without damaging them
Even when we have managed to make beautiful cupcakes, they still have to be transported! And here is the drama...
Here is our tip to finally transport them without damaging them.
2. To properly fill its boxes
The first thing you notice when making cupcakes is that you put them everywhere! To reduce the damage a bit, here is our tip for properly filling the molds.
3. To easily eat a cupcake
Eat all the frosting before you get to the end of the muffin? Yes, that's what happens when you don't eat cupcake the wrong way. What is the right way? Head here to find out.
4. To choose the right socket
You have all these sockets, yes but you can't remember what kind of patterns you can do with them? Take a look at our reminder!
5. To easily frost a cupcake
The icing is the most aesthetic part of the cupcake. But when you don't know how to do it well, it can quickly turn to horror. So follow our very clear instructions and you will become a pro.
6. To make heart-shaped cupcakes
The circles are nice, but the hearts are even better! Especially for Valentine's Day. So to impress your other half without specific equipment, go to this tip.
7. To easily fill your piping bag
Filling a pastry bag when you don't have the technique is more of a battlefield than pastry. So as not to risk repainting your kitchen and ending up with air bubbles, here is our solution.
8. To make an express icing
In a hurry, no time for frosting? Here is how to make one even when you have nothing, and in 5 min.
Your turn...
Have you tried one of these grandma's recipes for making cupcakes? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!
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The VERY Easy Banana Cake Recipe - In A Jar!
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