Where To Buy Baking Soda Easily?

Baking soda is convenient to use and inexpensive. But, it's not always easy to get hold of them.

Readers of comment-economiser.fr., You are used to finding it in the various tips.

Whether for the home, health, beauty, baking soda is essential.

So here is where you can find it:

Where to buy baking soda

Where to find the baking soda?

- In your supermarkets and supermarkets (practically all brands have them today, in the salt and spices department): Leclerc, Carrefour, Cora, Auchan, Leader Price, Intermarché, Aldi, Franprix or even Lidl.

- In organic stores: Naturalia, Biomonde, Biocoop, Les nouvelles Robinson, Bio c'est bon, Satoriz.

- In pharmacies.

- In drugstores.

- In your DIY stores (here too, almost all the brands have started doing it): Brico-depot, Bricomarché, Bigmat, Gédimat. You can find it in large packaging more easily.

- On the Internet.

The convenience of the Internet is that you can shop anytime. And above all, it is the product that comes to you (or if you wish, for a slightly lower cost, you can pick it up at a relay point).

What packaging?

two cans of baking soda

I've always bought baking soda in a rectangular cardboard box. I have seen that it can also be packaged in cylindrical plastic boxes, like salt.

And at what cost?

Depending on the store, the prices necessarily differ a little:

- Your baking soda is a little more expensive in pharmacies, drugstores or organic stores (around € 4.50 to € 5 for 500 g).

- It is sold at a reasonable price in DIY stores (around € 4.20 to € 4.90 for 500 g).

- Where it is cheapest, it is still in your supermarkets and on the Internet (in principle around € 3.80 to € 4 per 500 g as here).

Warning : for a use where you have to ingest the bicarbonate (as to whiten the teeth for example), prefer the food bicarbonate. But for household use or for the swimming pool, a technical baking soda is enough.

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