My 4 Teaching Tips To Make Your Child Love School.

Who has never heard their children say: "I don't want to go to school"?

But when it's recurring, it's time to find the right attitude to try to make school like your little ones.

You may think that it is not up to you, but to the teacher or to the child himself? It is not so simple.

Your behavior can have a big impact on how your child views school.

So here are my 4 secrets for school to be fun for your child. And you even have the right to repeat them!

How to make children love school

1. Be a stakeholder

I show that i am involved in school life:

- I make an appointment with the master or mistress

- I attend parents' meetings

- I invest myself in the end of year party

- I accompany school trips

- I help run a manual work or gardening workshop ...

In short, I show my child that his daily world is worthy of interest and that I have good relations with the members of the school.

2. Dramatize the notes

Notes are benchmarks, but we should not make it the only reference for the child's work and his learning.

There are lots of other ways to get interested in school monitoring: make him tell what he understood from a lesson, know the subjects he prefers, highlight his best skills.

If the marks are too low, do not hesitate to discuss with the teacher to understand the reason.

And if they increase, even by 1 or 2 points, congratulate him.

3. Put lightness in the time of homework

They've been supposed to be banned for years, but the reality is quite different.

However, no need to turn them into a chore.

Set aside time for homework and lessons that is not too long, each day, after the snack, but which will not last beyond 30 min for 6-year-olds to 1 hour for 10-year-olds.

Help him if necessary, without doing the work for him, but giving an explanation, or checking a result.

Delegate this task if you don't have the time or the patience.

4. Don't overload their schedule

Halt overcrowded Wednesdays and evenings where you run between music sessions and judo lessons!

Children need time out : school being compulsory, we take the load off Wednesdays and weekends and give them time to rest, and even to ... get bored!

Your turn...

Have you tried and it works? Do your children love school? Your testimonials are welcome in the comments.

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30 Questions to Ask Your Child Instead of "How was your day?"

My 6 Teaching Tips to Help Your Child Succeed in School.

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