Live Without TV to Live Longer!

Television is great for relaxing, but you shouldn't overuse it.

A recent study shows that you live longer if you don't watch television.

Here is a good health plan, little known information, reducing television would make it possible to live longer.

Why is television bad for your health?

It is an Australian study of Leernet Veerman who demonstrated this fact. It is based on data from 11,000 adults aged 25 or older, and related to time spent watching television and the death rate.

The results then show thatan adult after 25 would lose 22 minutes of life for every hour spent in front of the small screen.

Lack of physical but also mental activity would be the cause of this loss of life expectancy. It is therefore advisable to watch her very rarely or to banish her from the house.

Watching TV often prompts you to eat, to snack on anything, and this attitude would increase the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Prefer other activities

So if you like quiet activities, better to read, since even if there is no physical action, your brain is in activity, in concentration.

Prefer card parties or the cinema from time to time but limit your hours spent in front of the television which is really not beneficial for your health.

How much time do you spend in front of the television? Do you think you can decrease or stop looking at it altogether? Let us know what you think in the comments.

Savings made

Reducing your time in front of the TV set, in addition to saving your health, also allows you to save on your electricity bill, possibly reducing your expenses for cable channels.

If you decide not to have a TV, it's also good for your budget as you won't pay a license fee and save yourself the purchase of a small screen, which is relatively expensive.

The computer can also double as a television if you have any favorite shows, think about it.

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