My Plumber's Trick To Eradicate Sewer Smells In The Sink.

Tired of the smell of sewage that goes up in the kitchen sink?

A sink that smells bad is very common when you use it often.

But no need to buy off-the-shelf chemicals!

Not only is it not cheap, but it is also far from natural ...

Luckily, my plumber told me a grandmother's trick to destroy the foul odors that come up from the pipes.

Its super effective trick is use a mixture of baking soda and white vinegar. Look :

baking soda and white vinegar to eliminate bad odors that come up from a sink

What you need

- 250 g of baking soda

- 250 ml of white vinegar

How to do

1. Pour about 250 g of baking soda into the bung.

2. Add 250 ml of white vinegar.

3. Leave on for 15 min.

4. When the time is up, run very hot water.


And there you have it, with this plumber's tip, no more bad smells in the sink :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, isn't it?

With this 100% natural shock treatment, bad odors are completely broken down!

In addition, this treatment prevents the pipes from becoming clogged.

Now you know how to remove rising sewer odors from the bathroom or kitchen.

And it works for the kitchen sink, whether single or double, the bathroom sink, the bathtub, the shower or the bidet.

And you don't even have to buy an anti-odor product for the pipes!

Why does it work?

The bad odors that emanate from the pipes are mostly due to the accumulation of bacteria.

Bicarbonate traps bad odors by acting on the bacteria that cause the problem.

Vinegar is a very effective disinfectant that cleans pipes.

And when you mix baking soda and vinegar, a foam is formed.

It helps to physically loosen all the dirt stuck in the siphon and the pipes.

Hot water finishes the job by draining everything down the drain.

Bonus tip

You can also pour 250 ml of white vinegar down the drain every night.

Then leave it on overnight and in the morning use your sink as usual.

For effective action, this treatment should be continued for a week.

Your turn...

Have you tried this economical grandmother's trick against bad pipe odors? Tell us in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

Bad Odors in the Sink? How To DESTROY Them With Coffee Grounds.

The Effective Trick To Eliminate Bad Smells From Drainage At Home.

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