How to do the dishes by hand in an economical way?

Do the dishes by hand when you don't have dishwasher can quickly become a very important source of water consumption.

Especially if you don't take the right precautions.

To do the dishes by hand without using all the water in the lake near you, it is essential to use 2 water tanks so as not to let the water run unnecessarily.

A water tank to clean the dishes and the other to rinse it. For rinsing, you can change the water once or twice.

It's a simple trick that saves a lot of water every time you wash. dishes.

how to wash dishes by hand while saving water

How to do

1. Put all the dirty dishes in a bin.

2. Fill it with hot water.

3. Add washing up liquid.

4. Fill the other tank only with hot water.

5. Take the dirty dishes and clean them by rubbing with a sponge.

6. Immerse it again in the hot water tub with the washing-up liquid.

7. Then rinse it in the tub of hot water without washing up liquid.

8. Then dry it on the rack.

9. Change the water in the rinse tank once or twice, depending on the amount of dishes to be washed.


And there you have it, you did the dishes by hand, without using a lot of water :-)

It's simple, efficient and economical!

By using this grandma trick you use less water than if you let it run. And so you save money!

Savings made

Do the dishes by hand in an economical way, it is not very complicated and it quickly allows to make great water savings on your bill.

By using the two water tanks for washing and rinsing, you only consume 15 to 20 liters of water to do the dishes by hand, against 115 liters of water if you let the water run!

A smart stingy trick to easily save water every time you wash dishes.

Your turn...

Have you tried this inexpensive grandma's trick for washing dishes by hand? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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