The Miracle Tip For Quickly Degrossing Wood WITHOUT Kärcher Or Bleach.

Do you want your wooden garden furniture to regain its shine?

It is true that wooden furniture that is left outside is quickly damaged due to inclement weather.

It ends up blackening or turning gray ... But no need to invest in a Kärcher to strip the wood!

Fortunately, my handyman grandfather told me his secret recipe to sober up wood and restore it to its shine.

To refurbish wood and protect it, the trick is to treat with sodium percarbonate and linseed oil. Look :

a recipe for sobering up wood with percarbonate of soda

What you need

- sodium percarbonate

- linseed oil

- White vinegar

- wide brush (or whitewash brush)

- brush with hard fibers (coconut for example)

How to do

1. In a bucket, pour 1 part of percarbonate to 10 parts of lukewarm water.

2. Mix well.

3. Apply this mixture to the wood with the brush.

4. Wait 20 minutes for the product to work.

5. Then scrub the wood with the stiff brush.

6. Rinse thoroughly with water.

7. Wait for the wood to dry.

8. Now mix equal parts vinegar and water.

9. Apply this mixture to the wood with a damp cloth.

10. Use another rag of linseed oil on the wood.


And there you have it, thanks to your homemade wood degreaser, your garden furniture is like new :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, isn't it?

No more traces of moss, lichen, fungi, fatty spots or even tannins!

More info

Not only is the wood nickel, but in addition this natural treatment will now protect the wood from external aggressions.

It will therefore be well maintained and will therefore last longer.

This natural treatment is very effective in rejuvenating the wood while being natural.

And you don't have to bleach and / or buy an overpriced Kärcher to work just as well.

Note that the vinegar treatment neutralizes the wood.

This trick works just as well for wooden garden furniture as it does for an outdoor wooden table, a terrace, a fence or even siding.

Bonus tip

You can replace the sodium percarbonate with soda crystals.

In this case, the proportion to respect is 2 volumes of soda crystals for 10 volumes of lukewarm water.

Note that the soda crystals will whiten the wood more than the sodium percarbonate.

Your turn...

Have you tried this grandma's trick for cleaning exterior wood? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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