The Trick To Disintegrate Sweaty Odors From Clothes.

Everyone sweats, it's normal.

The concern is that it can leave stubborn odors on clothes.

Even after a good wash, these perspiration odors can persist ...

Luckily, there is a sure-fire way to get rid of sweaty odors embedded in clothes for good.

The trick is to soak in a basin of hot water with baking soda. Look :

Baking soda to eliminate perspiration odors from clothes

How to do

1. Pour hot water into a basin.

2. Sprinkle generously with baking soda (minimum 100 g).

3. Soak your garment in it for at least 30 minutes.

4. Then put your garment in the machine.

5. Add the detergent.

6. Add two tablespoons of baking soda to the fabric softener tray of the machine.

7. Start the washing machine.


And there you have it, the odors of encrusted perspiration are over! Your laundry now smells perfectly good :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, isn't it?

Handy for eradicating stubborn odors from sportswear, shirts, suits and coats.

It's still nicer like that, isn't it?

If the smells are really strong, soak clothes for 1 whole night instead of 30 min.

Why does it work?

Baking soda has the incredible power to absorb bad odors.

Unlike store-bought products, it doesn't just mask odors.

In fact, bicarbonate completely destroys the molecules responsible for foul odors.

As a result, your clothes smell clean after washing.

Your turn...

Have you tested that grandmother's thing against sweat odors on clothes? Tell us in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

The Magic Trick To Remove Yellow Stains From Perspiration.

The Effective Solution Against Sweat Stains on Your Clothes.

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