11 Great Decorating Ideas For Your Garden (Cheap And Easy).

Are you looking for decoration ideas for your garden?

Deco ideas that are cheap and easy to make?

Then you have come to the right place!

For the arrangement of your outdoor garden, no need to break the bank!

We have selected for you 11 beautiful decoration ideas to beautify your garden.

You will see, these recycling ideas are simple and economical. You will love. Look :

11 beautiful and inexpensive salvage ideas to decorate the garden

1. A fairy house on a tree trunk

a house for fairies in a tree trunk to decorate the garden

Bring a touch of magic to your garden and turn a tree into a fairy house! For that, all you need is a few magical accessories. With this magical idea, the imagination of children will fly.

2. A bird bath in an original planter

Flowers planted in a bird bath

You no longer use this bird bath? Keep it safe and turn it into a beautiful planter.

3. A well-squared green wall

Ivy that climbs that a crisscrossing thread

Instead of letting ivy creep up the wall any way, give it an original shape. For example, you can crisscross transparent nylon thread along your wall. Let the ivy grow on it! You will get a beautiful green wall.

4. A luminous rain coming out of a watering can

A light garland in a watering can

a watering can with a light garland for decoration in the garden

Thanks to this magical lighting, a rain of light will escape from your watering can. You just need to install a few fairy lights to turn your garden into a magical place.

5. A magical miniature garden in a broken pot

A mini decorative garden in a broken pot

Did you break an earthen flowerpot? Don't throw it away! Recycle it into a poetic miniature garden. For that, all you need is a few accessories and a lot of imagination.

6. A small garden in a bird bath

a decorative miniature garden in a bird bath

Here's another adorable reclaimed idea to recycle a birdbath and decorate your garden: make it a miniature garden that you can personalize with small decorations. Perhaps a fairy will settle there!

7. An old boot in a pretty gutter!

A gutter decorated with a gardener's boot

It must be recognized, the gutters, they are never very pretty! Except when you decorate it. Collect an old gardening boot. Cut out the end and install the boot on the gutter. There you go, your gutter looks great like this, doesn't it?

8. A house for elves on a tree stump

a tree stump turned into a goblin house

Have you just cut down a tree? Having a tree stump pulled up is expensive! So, use it instead to decorate your garden. Why not recycle it into a house for the garden elves? You can for example use this type of decoration to dress the tree trunk.

9. A homemade bird bath

a homemade bird bath

No need to break the bank buying a bird bath! If you've got a tree stump in the garden, you've got what it takes. Just place a deep plate full of water on top and the birds will love it!

10. An alley of logs

A garden path made with logs

We are used to seeing alleys paved with stones. But a path paved with logs is much rarer and more original. And that brings a poetic touch to your garden, doesn't it?

11. A planter in a tree trunk

a planter in a tree trunk

An old trunk bleached by time can accommodate an adorable garden. You just need to dig it a bit and put in a few succulents that require very little maintenance. Just a little dirt and water!

Your turn...

Did you like these garden decorating ideas? Tell us in the comments which one you prefer. We can't wait to hear from you!

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