9 Natural Ways to Kill Weeds.

Are weeds spoiling your garden or vampirizing your crops?

It is true that weeds grow very quickly!

But that's no reason to use chemicals.

Fortunately, there are natural ways to overcome it.

9 natural tips to weed your garden sustainably

These are simple tips that will not endanger the health of your children or pets.

Here are 9 simple, natural ways to kill the weeds in your garden without pesticides. Look :

1. By hand

how to weed by hand

You can get rid of weeds the old-fashioned way: by pulling on them by hand. Wear a good pair of garden gloves to do this. Be careful not to accidentally transport weed seeds elsewhere. Your work would be reduced to nothing!

Good gardening tools like a claw or a small, pointed shovel can come in handy. They will help you loosen the soil around the roots. It remains only to pull on the weed, completely pulling out the root. This is the only way to make sure she doesn't come back.

2. With corn gluten

weed with corn gluten

Did you know that corn gluten controls seed germination? Sprinkle it in your garden and it will prevent weed seeds from germinating.

Be careful, corn gluten prevents all seeds from germinating, so it should not be put in the whole vegetable garden, and especially not on the good seeds.

Wait until your plants are well established in the ground to put them around.

3. With mulch

weed with mulch

Cover planting areas with mulch. Weed seeds will not come into contact with the soil and therefore will not grow. Bad seeds already in the ground will not see the light that is needed to grow. This is another way to avoid them.

Finally, mulch offers additional moisture retention benefits. Ideal not to multiply watering! It also enriches your soil by decomposing. And then, it is rather pretty. In short, what advantages!

4. With white vinegar

weed with vinegar

Apply the vinegar with a spray bottle to the weeds. Like other natural herbicides, vinegar cannot differentiate weeds from other plants.

Preferably spray it early in the morning. And especially when there is little wind to avoid contaminating neighboring plants. Vinegar is very acidic and its herbicidal properties are activated by the sun. So choose to put it on a day without clouds and without rain otherwise the vinegar will not have time to work.

5. With newspaper

weed with newspaper

The newspaper is used to smother weeds and prevent news from growing. Cover your crops with a thick layer of newspaper that will prevent sunlight from reaching the weed seeds. Thus, they cannot germinate.

Wet the soil first, apply the newspaper to the base of the plants. Wet it thoroughly again before covering it with mulch. This is a great way to recycle it! And as a bonus, you encourage earthworms to come and stay. Remember that earthworms are very helpful in aerating the earth.

6. With boiling water

weed with boiling water

Scalding weeds is another way to deal with it. Just grab your kettle, after heating the water, and bring it to the garden. Carefully pour a stream of water over the base of each unwanted plant.

Perennial, leathery weeds with very long, taprooted roots may require two or three applications. But, they will eventually capitulate. Use your potholders, of course, and protect yourself from the splashes: wear long pants and closed-toe shoes.

To discover : 14 Ways To Reuse Cooking Water So It NEVER Worsens It.

7. With salt

weed with salt

Good old-fashioned table salt is very effective at killing weeds. Put just a pinch at the base of each plant. It will kill it, but above all it will be diluted after a few rains.

Warning: Salt makes the soil uncultivable for several months, so be sure to apply only a small amount and only when needed. Avoid spreading it on the good plants!

8. With soap

weed with soap

Make your own homemade herbicidal soap. Mix in equal parts: vinegar, salt and soap. Put the mixture in a spray bottle. Apply it to your weeds.

Warning: be wise! This concoction will kill any plants it touches indiscriminately. So be careful and don't spread it on your perennials.

9. With a burst of steam

weed with steam

A high-pressure sprayer works with water that is embedded in the cells of plants. When the water turns into steam, the cells burst and the plant dies. You don't have to char the weeds, just wilt them. It takes a little practice, but it is very effective.

Warning: never use it on poisonous grasses, as they can release toxic fumes into the air. Your eyes or your lungs would be the first victims.

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