12 Ultra-Effective Remedies To Remove Dandruff Naturally.

Did you know that dandruff affects almost 50% of the world's population?

For our hair, white flakes are a real scourge ...

Are you looking for effective home remedies for dandruff?

Above all, it is important to be sure that you have Actually dandruff.

Indeed, many people think they have dandruff ...

... but in reality, these people simply have a dry scalp. This results in the appearance of white flakes on the shoulders.

In this case, it is dry dandruff.

Here are the best natural treatments for dandruff.

However, the oily dandruffThey differ not only by their symptoms but above all by their treatment.

But luckily, if you have oily dandruff, these 12 natural treatments are for you!

Without further ado, here are the 12 ultra-effective remedies to naturally fight dandruff. Look :


With apple cider vinegar, you can fight dandruff naturally.

The trick here is to rinse your hair with vinegar, preferably apple cider vinegar, although this also works with white vinegar.

The idea might be a little scary, but be aware that vinegar is one of the most effective ways to fight dandruff.

This is because vinegar attacks the very root of the problem. Concretely, dandruff is the result of premature aging of the cells of the scalp, which causes irritation.

The vinegar naturally removes dead skin that flakes into dandruff, but without clogging the pores of the scalp, preventing more dandruff from forming.

Another cause of dandruff is the overgrowth of fungi, on which the vinegar also acts as a fungicide.

In addition, its use is super easy, and the vinegar is much gentler on your hair than some shampoos on the market.

Just don't rinse your hair with vinegar before a closed-door business meeting :-)

Indeed, the only downside to this treatment is that your hair will smell slightly of vinegar before your next shower. But rest assured: the smell disappears quickly.


- 125 ml of lukewarm water

- 125 ml of cider vinegar or white vinegar

- a glass or other container

How to do

- Mix lukewarm water and vinegar in the glass.

- Pour this mixture on your hair, massaging it gently for several minutes.

- Rinse thoroughly with clean water.

- Leave on for about 8 to 12 hours before resuming a shower.

- Repeat this treatment every 2 weeks, or once a week if necessary.

Note: you can adjust the amount of vinegar according to the volume of your hair.

To discover : 11 Amazing Uses of Apple Cider Vinegar.


Use baking soda to make dandruff go away naturally.

The uses of baking soda aren't just limited to cleaning!

Indeed, it is also an ingredient in many 100% natural home remedies.

And for good reason, because it is an anti-dandruff treatment with recognized effectiveness!

Baking soda helps make dandruff go away for several reasons.

First of all, it has gentle exfoliating properties, which helps eliminate dead skin.

Bicarbonate also acts as a fungicide by regulating the populations of fungi naturally present on the scalp which can cause dandruff when they proliferate.

Plus, the tiny particles in the baking soda also help loosen dandruff stuck in your hair, instead of just breaking up and shredding dead skin into small pieces.


- 1 tablespoon of baking soda

- 250 ml of hot water

- 1 empty shampoo bottle, clean

- a few drops of rosemary essential oil (optional)

How to do

- Put the hot water and the baking soda in the empty shampoo bottle (1 tablespoon of baking soda per 250 ml of water).

- Shake the mixture.

- Apply liberally to your hair and scalp.

- Use this treatment in place of your shampoo, once a day.


- At first, your hair will be a little drier than normal. But in a short time, the levels of natural oils will naturally rebalance, much more than with a commercial shampoo.

- This remedy is most effective using the water-bicarbonate mixture. But for people who can't do without their shampoo, try adding a teaspoon of baking soda to your regular shampoo dose.

- Rosemary essential oil is optional. Many people find rosemary to help fight dandruff while providing a pleasant scent.

To discover : 50 Amazing Uses for Baking Soda.


With fenugreek seeds, you can fight dandruff naturally.

Mainly known as a spice, especially in Indian cuisine, fenugreek is also used as a medicinal plant.

Rich in protein and amino acids, fenugreek seeds promote hair growth and health, and help prevent the formation of those unsightly white flakes.

The little extra? Fenugreek is high in lecithin, a natural emollient that helps soften inflamed body tissue.

Result, fenugreek makes the hair softer, silkier and stronger.


- 2 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds

- 250 ml of water

- pepper mill or pestle and mortar (to grind the seeds)

How to do

- Soak the seeds in 250 to 500 ml of water, overnight.

- The next morning, grind the seeds until you get a fine and light paste.

- Apply this paste on your scalp.

- Leave on for 30 to 45 minutes.

- Wash your hair with a mild shampoo or with clean water.


With neem leaves, you can fight dandruff naturally.

Neem leaves, another Indian spice also known as neem leaves, are a great 100% natural remedy for dandruff.

Not only do their medicinal properties relieve itchy scalp ...

... but they also act as an antifungal, preventing the proliferation of fungi responsible for the appearance of dandruff.

Be aware that for some people, neem leaves have an unpleasant odor.


- at least 2 handfuls of neem leaves

- 1 liter of hot water

How to do

- Soak 2 handfuls of neem leaves in 1 liter of hot water.

- Let stand overnight.

- The next morning, strain the liquid and use it to rinse your hair.

Note: You can also try making a paste from the leaves and applying it to the scalp. Let sit for about 1 hour before rinsing off with clean water.


With Listerine you can fight dandruff.

Invented in 1879 by a doctor in Missouri, Listerine mouthwash was originally designed as a powerful surgical antiseptic for dentists.

This doctor sold his product to a pharmaceutical company, and Listerine quickly became the very first over-the-counter mouthwash.

What few people know is that in the 1930s and 1940s one of the main uses of Listerine was to fight dandruff.

Yes, as strange as it may seem, know that Listerine is an effective remedy for eliminating fungi, one of the main causes of dandruff!


- water

- Listerine mouthwash

- spray bottle

How to do

- Put the water and Listerine in the spray bottle: 2 parts water to 1 part Listerine.

- Shake the spray bottle.

- After your usual shampoo, spray this solution on the scalp and massage gently.

- Let sit for 30 minutes then rinse with clean water.


Use the sun's rays to fight dandruff naturally.

There is a link between the onset of dandruff and a lack of sun exposure, although the exact mechanisms are not known.

In many cases, the severity of dandruff decreases dramatically when the affected person spends more time in the sun.

In fact, researchers believe that the dandruff associated with the dry winter climate is actually due to a lack of sunlight.

Thus, the light would help to dry up some of the excess sebum.

Or, maybe just spending more time outdoors makes us happier, and promotes better overall health.

Whatever the exact reasons, regular sun exposure is known to be an effective dandruff treatment, and probably one of the easiest home remedies to try!

How to do

- Spend at least 10 to 15 minutes in the sun every day, when possible.

Note: be careful not to pass too much time in the sun. Indeed, prolonged exposure to the sun and UV rays can be harmful to your skin, hair and health.

To discover : 12 Surprising Tips to Relieve Your Sunburns.


With aspirin, you can fight dandruff.

Aspirin is not only an effective headache remedy, it is also a home remedy known to fight dandruff.

This is because pure aspirin has a high content of salicylic acid, one of the main active ingredients in commercial anti-dandruff shampoos.

Salicylic acid has potent antifungal and antimicrobial properties, making it an effective treatment for removing dandruff caused by fungus.

Additionally, aspirin helps reduce scalp inflammation, another cause of severe cases of dandruff.


- 2 aspirin tablets (white)

- shampoo

How to do

- Crush the aspirin until you get a fine powder.

- Add this powder to your usual shampoo dose.

- Shampoo as usual.

- Let the shampoo sit for about 2 min.

- Rinse thoroughly with clean water.

To discover : Aspirin Mask Against Acne: The Skin Saving Tip.


Healthy eating helps fight dandruff naturally.

A healthy diet must be on a list of natural treatments for dandruff!

Indeed, eating in a healthy and balanced way contributes positively to all aspects of our well-being.

Today, we know that food is vital to our good health. So, it's no surprise that a healthy diet has positive effects on skin disorders, including dandruff.

When it comes to diet, we all know the golden rule: avoid foods that are high in fat.

But what you might not know is that there are foods that help the scalp fight dandruff.

Check out this list of foods to eat to naturally get rid of unsightly flakes… and keep them from coming back!

What foods to choose against dandruff?

- Vegetables : green leafy vegetables have powerful health benefits for the skin, hair, and nails. Consider adding vegetables like broccoli, kale, kale, and green salad (but no iceberg lettuce!) To your diet.

- Fish oil: fish oil can make all the difference in having great skin. While fish oil supplements don't totally make dandruff go away, it's a great preventative treatment that helps reduce the amount of dandruff dramatically.

- Lean proteins: to fight the onset of dandruff, try eating more lean protein (nuts, chicken, fish ...). Indeed, these proteins stimulate the growth of hair and skin, and they are highly beneficial to their good health. Go for fish, eggs and vegetable proteins, such as nuts and beans.

To discover : The 15 RICHEST Foods in Vegetable Protein.


Use lemon to fight dandruff naturally.

Did you know that a simple lemon can help get rid of those nasty white flakes?

This is because freshly squeezed lemon juice contains acids that kill the fungi that cause dandruff.

Lemon juice is a 100% natural treatment, without all those aggressive synthetic products found in commercial anti-dandruff shampoos.

In addition, lemon leaves a pleasant scent that smells clean and fresh.


- 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice

- 1 teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice

- 250 ml of water

How to do

- Massage the 2 tablespoons of lemon juice on your scalp.

- Leave to rest for 1 min.

- Mix the teaspoon of lemon juice in the 250 ml of water.

- Rinse your hair with this mixture.

- Repeat this treatment once a day, until the dandruff disappears.

To discover : 43 uses of lemon that will blow your mind!


Thanks to tea tree essential oil, you can fight dandruff naturally.

One of the main causes of dandruff is excess sebum. Even if the sebum has an oily consistency, know that using certain essential oils can control and eliminate dandruff.

The many medicinal properties of tea tree essential oil have been recognized for centuries.

In Australia, the Aborigines plucked the leaves of the tea tree and used the sap to soothe burns, cuts and insect bites, much like aloe vera.

The oil extracted from the leaves of the tea tree has antifungal properties. This essential oil also helps soothe sore and itchy scalp.

Used on the skin, tea tree essential oil is harmless to health. But be careful, it should NEVER be ingested!


- 1 tablespoon of essential tea tree oil

- 250 ml of hot water

- small spray bottle

How to do

- Put the essential tea tree oil and lukewarm water in the spray bottle.

- Shake to mix well.

- After your usual shampoo, spray this solution on the scalp, massaging it delicately.

- Leave to rest for a few minutes.

- Without rinsing your hair, wipe off excess moisture with light touches.

To discover : Essential Tea Tree Oil: 14 Uses You Should Know About.


Aloe vera helps fight dandruff naturally.

For many people, aloe vera is THE natural remedy par excellence because it has many amazing benefits.

Mainly used to relieve minor burns, aloe can also help you clear up dandruff.

Thanks to its natural compounds, aloe vera slows down the process of proliferation of skin cells.

In other words, the active substance in aloe vera slows the growth of skin cells.

However, most dandruff is caused by the scalp cells growing too quickly and then drying out.

Aloe vera is a natural and effective remedy for rebalancing the growth of scalp cells.


- aloe vera gel

How to do

- Massage the aloe vera gel directly onto your scalp.

- Leave on for 15 minutes, then wash your hair with your usual shampoo.

To discover : 40 Uses of Aloe Vera That Will Amaze You!

12. SALT

Yes, with simple salt you can fight dandruff naturally!

Salt is one of those products that we all have in our homes and use every day.

But not many people know that table salt can also eliminate dandruff.

Thanks to its slightly abrasive crystals, salt acts as a natural exfoliant, removing excess sebum and dead skin.

Salt is all the more effective because it "sets the stage" for shampooing, allowing it to better penetrate and work on the scalp.

Does a scalp salt scrub seem unpleasant to you? Know that this natural treatment is particularly effective, especially if your scalp is itchy.


- 3 tablespoons of salt

How to do

- Apply 3 tablespoons of salt to your dry or slightly damp scalp.

- Massage gently for 2 to 3 minutes.

- Shampoo immediately after this treatment.

Note: this remedy works great with table salt, but works best with Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate).

To discover : 16 Surprising Uses of TABLE SALT. Don't Miss # 11!


Don't feel like massaging your scalp with apple cider vinegar, salt, lemon or any of the other natural products on this list?

So follow these 3 golden rules to fight dandruff. Look :

Rule # 1: change your shampoo once a month

To fight against dandruff, it is advisable to change shampoo regularly!

Hooray, you FINALLY found a shampoo that works! Except that suddenly, without warning, he lets you go ...

The flakes are starting to reappear, and you have to recognize that you're going to have to find another shampoo to get rid of your dandruff.

But in reality, this phenomenon is quite normal. This is because it is common for you to develop tolerance to a shampoo and its active ingredient.

So if your shampoo stops working its magic overnight, don't wait to change shampoo.

In fact, to avoid this type of problem, it is advisable to change your shampoo about once a month.

Ideally, find 3 different brands of dandruff shampoo that work for you, each with a different formula.

Then, alternate between these 3 shampoos to prevent them from losing effectiveness.

Rule # 2: massage, rinse and repeat

Anti-dandruff shampoo: for more efficiency, don't forget to make a 2nd application!

"Apply shampoo, massage scalp, rinse and repeat if necessary. "We know all the indications on shampoo bottles.

And yet, how many people actually apply their anti-dandruff shampoos twice?

For my part, the only times I have done 2 shampoos in a row is when I forgot that I had already done one!

But manufacturers recommend this second application for good reason. Indeed, this allows the shampoo to do its job well in depth.

So the next time you take a shower, lather your shampoo well before rinsing it out.

This is what will remove most of the dandruff and excess oil.

And after, for really fight against dandruff, make a second application and leave on for 5 minutes before rinsing.

This will allow the shampoo to penetrate the scalp well and prevent dandruff from reappearing.

Rule # 3: shampoo more

Did you know that you need to shampoo more when you have dandruff?

Did you know that you need to shampoo more when you have dandruff?

Many people think that their dandruff is due to a dry scalp.

And to rebalance the sebum levels of the scalp, these people think they need to shampoo less ...

Or, other people will use dandruff shampoos when they don't really have dandruff but just a dry scalp.

However, anti-dandruff shampoos will only dry out their scalp even more ...

The bottom line is that the main cause of dandruff is oily skin.

This is why dandruff tends to have a greasy consistency, not a dry one.

And precisely, the best way to fight against oily dandruff is to do more shampoos, not less.

This is because, because dandruff is essentially the result of an excess of rapidly maturing skin cells, a shampoo "scrub" helps naturally remove the layers of dead skin that itchy scalp.

In addition, the shampoo also helps prevent the spread of the Malassezia fungus.


There you go, now you know the 12 natural treatments for dandruff.

No more unsightly white flakes on your shoulders!

Convenient, easy and efficient, isn't it? :-)

Sometimes it feels like dandruff is an insurmountable enemy ...

But now, thanks to these effective remedies, you are in control of your scalp!

And without having to resort to commercial anti-dandruff shampoos stuffed with chemicals, and without having to pay an overpriced consultation with a dermatologist.

So, the next time you see those unsightly flakes, remember that there are plenty of natural remedies out there ... maybe even in your salt shaker!

Your turn...

Have you tried any of these 12 super-effective remedies for naturally fighting dandruff? Tell us in the comments if it was effective. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

11 Natural Remedies To Get Rid of Dandruff.

My Effective and Natural Tip against Dandruff.

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