How To Treat A Hematoma Quickly With White Vinegar.

Did you fall and bruise yourself?

Do not panic ! We must act immediately to cure this bruise quickly.

The remedy to prevent swelling and reduce pain is to use white vinegar.

Immediately apply a cotton ball soaked in vinegar and leave for a few minutes:

How to heal a bruise, bruise, or lump with white vinegar

How to do

1. Soak a piece of cotton with white vinegar.

2. Apply it on the hematoma for a few minutes.

3. For even more effectiveness, leave the cotton applied as long as possible until it is dry.

4. Repeat if necessary.


And there you have it, you quickly healed the hematoma :-)

This grandmother's remedy decreases the pain and prevents it from swelling too much.

Know that the faster you intervene, the more effective it is!

Your turn...

Have you tried this grandmother's remedy to cure a hematoma? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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