3 Practical Tips for Serving Hot Plates at the Table.

You've spent hours simmering a nice little dish for your guests. Everything is ready to delight them.

The only thing is, once your plates are nicely laid out in the kitchen, how do you serve them one by one while still hot to the dining room table?

Follow me in the kitchen, I'll explain everything to perfect your "plate service" with 3 very practical tips!

1. I place the plates in the oven

Heat the plates in the oven

All you have to do is preheat your oven to 60 ° then place your plates in it for 10 to 15 minutes.

It is a simple and effective solution for heating plates. And don't worry, you can absolutely put plates in the oven.

But be careful, do not exceed this temperature of the traditional oven, because beyond this, not only would you risk burning your fingers when taking out your plates, but you could also weaken them.

2. I put them in the microwave

Heat plates in the microwave

Slide your plates into your microwave and heat on maximum power for 2 minutes.

Be careful, don't forget to place a bowl or a cup of water on top of your stack of plates, otherwise you risk damaging your microwave.

3. I run them under hot water

heat plates in hot water

Put your plates in your sink and run the hottest water possible. Let them soak for 5 minutes.

The only downside to this method? You will then have to wipe them one by one before garnishing them!


There you go, you are now ready to serve hot plates to your guests :-)

You now know how to properly heat the plates to serve a meal worthy of the great chefs!

And if you are lacking recipe ideas for entertaining, I advise you to cook this succulent beef bourguignon or this caramel pork stir-fry.

Your turn...

Do you know any other tips for keeping your plates hot when serving? Share them with us in the comments.

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Also to discover:

The Magic Product To Remove Scratches From Your Plates.

50 Great Cooking Tips Tested and Approved.

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