How to unscrew a rusty bolt with a spark plug and a lighter.

Car wheels are often very difficult to remove.

Why ? Because bolts rust easily ...

... and are often too tight!

Fortunately, here's an easy trick to remove a rusty or stuck bolt instantly.

Everything you need, it is a candle and a lighter.

And the best part is that it only takes a few seconds to loosen! Look :

How to do

1. Light the lighter.

2. Place it under the stuck bolt.

3. At the same time, place the spark plug above the bolt.

4. Let the wax flow onto the bolt for a few seconds.

5. Press the crank wrench onto the wheel bolt.

6. Unscrew counterclockwise.


a trick to remove a screw stuck on a wheel

There you go, the bolt unscrews instantly and effortlessly :-)

You don't even have to wait for the bolt to cool.

Fast, isn't it? Just a little candle wax and that's it!

I too was skeptical at first, but I tested the trick on my old car and it works!

This tip saves time and money, as there is no need to take a trip to the garage.

Hope this tip helps you if one day you too have to loosen a nut that is too tight and you don't have a torch handy.

Why does it work?

This technique for removing a rusty bolt from a car is a bit like soldering a copper pipe.

The heat from the lighter flame will suck the wax from the candle into the grooves of the bolt, which helps lubricate the seized bolt.

Your turn...

Have you tried this trick to loosen a stuck nut? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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The Tip To Easily Clean Your Hands After Mechanics.

Finally a Tip to Unscrew a Rusted Bolt EASILY.

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