Beautiful Buttocks and Beautiful Thighs in 3 Weeks.

Do you want to firm up your buttocks and legs so that they are more beautiful?

Congratulations on your will.

Now you have to know how to do it.

Read this tip carefully and follow these sports and food tips for 3 weeks for visible results!

3 week program to have toned and firm legs and buttocks

1. Three strength training exercises to practice absolutely

Three exercises are to be privileged to firm your thighs and your buttocks:

1. the squats (thighs, buttocks)

2. the the sink (front of thighs)

3. the slits (thighs, buttocks).

Squats are described on this page, and the lever on this one.

For the slots:

do front lunges to have nice buttocks and muscular thighs

- start from a standing position, hands on hips, one foot 80 cm in front of the other;

- descend slowly while inhaling to touch the knee of the rear leg on the ground (be careful not to lean your chest forward);

- straighten your legs while blowing to find the starting position (always take care not to lean your chest forward);

- repeat this movement the number of repetitions requested, then repeat with the other leg in front.

2. Ask for the program!

Perform the following program for Three weeks :

- On Monday : 5 sets of 15 squats, 5 sets of 10 levers

- Wednesday : 5 sets of 12 lunges on each side, 5 sets of 10 levers

- Friday : 3 sets of 20 squats, 2 sets of 15 lunges on each side, 2 sets of 12 levers

3. Rebalance your diet

balance diet to be in shape

This workout will not be enough to reach your goal if your diet is too rich, especially in fat:

- THEimitate as much as possible fatty foods (ban cheese, cakes and other chocolates), and replace them with fruits and vegetables.

- Think of consume daily Whole grains (wholemeal bread, wholemeal rice, wholemeal pasta) in order to limit the secretion of insulin, the enzyme responsible for fat storage.

This will reduce the storage of the food you eat and facilitate the elimination of fat.

- Don't forget the protein : they are essential for building and maintaining muscles. Without them, your legs will not be able to tone up.

Favor lean meats (chicken breast, turkey, veal), and more generally foods with a high protein / lipid ratio, that is to say containing at least five times more protein than fat (like black beans and 0% cottage cheese).

Thus, you will be steadied (e) (proteins fill the belly) with few calories (low fat rate).

4. Eat a little salt

A diet rich in sodium (salt) promotes Water retention. Result: your body appears more swollen, mainly the buttocks and the legs.

To avoid this inconvenience, get in the habit of salt as little as possible, if at all. You will then find the true taste of the food.

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Also to discover:

Foods to Avoid to Lose Weight Easily.

The 14 Foods That Speed ​​Up Your Metabolism and Weight Loss.

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