2 Natural Homemade Candy Recipes For Our Children.

Candy is good, but it's not always good for your health.

Do them at home, kids love it. And homemade sweets are always healthier than those bought at the supermarket.

With fruits or flowers, homemade candies will be full of benefits and all that naturally.

To be consumed without moderation ... or almost.

candy recipes

When I was little, I was Miss Bonbon. It was my drug. But my teeth quickly realized that it was necessary to stop and later I realized the true composition of the candies that I loved so much.

So I adapted and now I make my candy myself. Yep, it's easy to make homemade candy! Here are my natural candy recipes.

Recipe # 1: flower candies

Depending on the sweet treasures collected during my Sunday picking (lavender, linden flowers, queen of the meadows, violets, acacias, spruce, rose, etc.), I make delicious little soft candies.

I first mix my harvest so as to obtain about 1/4 liter of puree juice. Then in a saucepan, I dissolve 4 g of agar-agar in 1/2 liter of water (preferably soft) which I then bring to the boil for 3 min.

When it's ready, I melt 2 tablespoons of honey in my boiling saucepan, stirring well.

And here I mix the contents of my saucepan with that of my blender, I spread my preparation in a large dish until obtaining about 1 cm thick dough. In the fridge. To bed.

And hop the next morning, I just have to cut out my little squares of candy.

Namely that these sweets also have medicinal properties thanks to the powers of the flowers. Those with linden will be good for the throat, with lavender will be good for relaxing, soothing, but also for colds, fever or even sinusitis.

Variant with essential oils

It is also quite possible to replace the flowers with 2 or 3 drops of essential oil which will be added at the very end of the preparation, off the heat. I particularly like the ones with bergamot, cardamom, sweet orange and lemon, but I still have to try the rest.

Be careful though, all essential oils are not necessarily food or are not recommended for cooking. Check with the seller before. For more information, click here.

Recipe # 2: homemade fruit ribbons

When I was younger, Fizz tangy ribbons were unfortunately one of my favorite candies. Since then, I have rediscovered a homemade recipe to make it. They are even better and without added additives.

If you know how to make smoothies, you will know how to make homemade ribbons. Once the fruit puree is prepared, I add more sugar or honey and then I spread my preparation on the tray of my dehydrator (or if you don't have any, we do the same in the oven).

Well ... it's long, because the drying time is at least 5 hours (approx. 30 min at 60 ° C then the rest between 45 ° C and 50 ° C). But the result is a delight! We obtain a kind of very flexible (and slightly fragile) plate. And there you have it, all you have to do is cut and taste.

Light variant

When I want to pay attention to my figure while making myself happy, I replace the honey with a substitute: 1 small gram of stevia. It has its effect!

There you go, you know how to do easy and quick bobs.

My bonus recipes

There are loads of delicious and healthy recipes for our kids to try. Here is my selection:

- My very simple recipe for making roudoudou candies

- 2 homemade candy recipes that kids love to devour!

- Delicious and easy: the recipe for homemade lollipops.

- Too good ! The SUPER easy recipe for homemade strawberry lollipops.

- Finally the homemade Carambar recipe.

- The recipe for homemade chewing gum finally revealed.

- The homemade Chamallow recipe finally revealed!

- Berlingots with essential oils

Savings made

By making your candies yourself, you will certainly save money, but above all, dentist savings! Homemade recipes are generally less sweet than supermarket candy.

The savings will vary depending on the fruits or essential oils chosen for your recipes but it is certain that your homemade sweets will cost you. cheaper than conventional industrial candies. So do yourself a favor :-)

Your turn...

And you ? Do you have any homemade candy recipes to share with us? Do not hesitate to share them with us in the comments, my taste buds are already impatient ;-)

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The Easy Recipe of Ferrero Rochers, Better than at the Ambassador.

The Easy House Raffaello Recipe.

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